Showing Posts For Nekoht.2518:

[Quest] A Grisly Shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


We’re looking into the “Complete!” issue, but I don’t have any other information at this time, sorry!

It gave me a choice in reward but I can’t click accept now
I even tried to relog and… nothing


[Quest] A Grisly Shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


No idea what to do still

Ranger Swoop

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


When using swoop the eagle animation tends to not go away


[Quest] A Grisly Shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


I could really use some help here ; u;

[Quest] A Grisly Shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


I was doing the mission right before the update
As soon as I was finishing it and the reward was about to be given..
The new update

Now it just says “Complete!” and I don’t know where to go
My friend had the same mission so I did it with him
That didn’t work so I have no idea what to do


Town Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


I own the mad king outfit but I see no option to use town clothes and when I went to my bank it was not in there either, any idea?

[Mac] Black Lion menu won't load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


It is a known and ongoing bug. Apparently Anet is working to fix it.

When asked to clarify, Anet staff stated they are working on it over the weekend and will keep us in the loop.

You’re awesome! Thanks bro

[Mac] Black Lion menu won't load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


I have been experiencing the same for about two weeks now. the window will either show the spinning circle, nothing or crap html.
I can’t buy anything, I can’t sell anything – I am stuck for crafting b/c I can’t pick up what I need to complete. Can’t take advantage of the sale items or freebie items in the BLTC.

just started putting in bug reports so.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled with no results.
It seems to happen in Mac environment.
help please =)

Exactly the same for me, I could be 80 by now if I could craft. Can’t even get gear and i’ve been losing profit from dungeons… Completely killing the game for me


[Mac] Black Lion menu won't load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


Nothing from black lion seems to load and when it does it seems so messed up I can’t even click anything.
I deleted everything even the folder from Application Support and then reinstalled and nothing.

Reusing skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nekoht.2518


Are skins reusable? Like the one I get from the heroic chest
I unlocked it with my Necromancer and it gave me the armor and the skin
I haven’t used the skin yet though because I don’t know if it’ll vanish after

Also are any skins you buy from the gem store reusable?