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Map Completion Complaints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekomages.5672


Actually gw1 was pretty sweet…

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nekomages.5672


I honestly don’t see how you can see it as not forced? I can no longer access rewards I want unless I now play maps I have no desire to play. Before I could choose what I wanted to do to get the reward. Before if you personally didn’t want to do swamp, there was nothing forcing you to do it, you could’ve tried to make your own group, but the fact is you had a choice. Now there is zero choice. I spent 3 times as much time doing this new system for the same rewards as before. It was far more frustrating, I had to keep kicking people without AR since swamp was nearly the only one that AR didn’t matter, and I had to wait a lot longer to even get a group started. The entire time every single person in the group was complaining about being forced in to content we didn’t want to do. As I said before, if they wanted people to play other maps there are better ways of doing it than content locking rewards like this.

As an an after thought I had today, I also noticed nobody was doing the maps below t3 last night and this morning, so wouldn’t this also make it prohibitive for new players or casual players to actually get groups now since nobody is going to do “t1”, “t2”, and “t3” when they can just do t3?

(edited by Nekomages.5672)

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nekomages.5672


That just makes doing fracs even more hostile than before -_-

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nekomages.5672


I have to say I have zero desire to do fracs now because of the recent patch limiting the daily maps. Instead of forcing people to do maps that nobody wants to play, why not make the maps more pug/stupid friendly and let nature take it’s course? There was a reason people only did swamp, it was so stupid easy that is was pretty hard to screw up and in most cases didn’t require me to do an AR check on pugs.

account wide way point and map reveal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekomages.5672


I can go with the fog of war idea easily enough, you still get a partial view of places you’ve been on the account.

As for the way points, do you really think people would get upset beyond “well back in my day we had to walk 20 miles up hill in the snow both ways to get to the way point”?

account wide way point and map reveal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekomages.5672


I’m pretty sure it’s been suggested, but I would say the most frustrating aspect I encounter when making a new character is the unrevealed map and all the way points I’ve had other characters go to, gone.

I do not suggest that poi’s, hearts, etc be account unlocked, only that the map sections any character has seen, every character can see. While I can see someone might also abuse the way points being account unlocked, I pretty much can guarantee that anyone abusing them already has several toons and a simple route they run whenever they make a new one to get the highlights.

If people believe account unlocked way points are a bit to much, maybe make it where you can’t teleport to the area unless you are at or above the minimum level for the area, that could deter people from instantly jumping in to things like dragons stand and simply leeching from the event.