Showing Posts For Nelien.7968:

Improvements for Collectors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nelien.7968


Yes, please, this needs to happen.

How to incentivize players to return to old zones at lvl 80

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nelien.7968


The issue of balancing the downscaling is a different issue than what I was suggesting. Sure, it might alleviate some of the reasons people choose to spend most of their time in high level zones but it’s only going to be minor. The maximum reward/hour is still going to be in Orr as they simply can’t make the rewards in much easier zones at the same level as the harder ones. Sure some balancing might need to be done (and probably will be) but that’s not changing anything of what I suggested.

Any actual criticism on my specific idea?

How to incentivize players to return to old zones at lvl 80

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nelien.7968


While I agree that solves some of the problems, unless it’s balanced extremely well, people would still find the optimal zone to grind in and it would just move Orr to some place else (or not at all).

Also, my suggestion doesn’t cancel out yours. Both would work perfectly well together.

(edited by Nelien.7968)

How to incentivize players to return to old zones at lvl 80

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nelien.7968


TL;DR: Make 2-3 zones per day have a special zone event that asks you to finish 15-20 events in that zone and rewards you with similar rewards to zone completion. Zones change daily.

At level 80 and 100% world completion there really isn’t much else to do in the world other than dungeons and pvp, so here’s my idea on what could be done to reward players that prefer the explorable part of the game or simply would like more variety at max level.

The idea comes partly from Guild Wars 1’s Zaishen Vanquish quests, for those of you who know what they are, and from a reddit post posted earlier today (Apparently the post was removed by the poster, wierd..).

So here’s my suggestion:

Players at level 80 will be able to start seeing 2-3 random zones per day get a special daily quest that asks you to finish 15-20 events in that zone. Once finished it would reward you with a reasonable gold/loot reward similar to zone completions.

What zones are currently “active” would change from day to day forcing people to explore different zones and maybe discover events they haven’t seen before.

The daily zones would have an increased rate of events (2-3x more) to accommodate for the increased number of players in those zones.

The quests could be announced in the capital cities, with NPC’s calling out for urgent aid as the zones are being overwhelmed with whatever threats reside there. But simply stumbling upon the correct zone would grant you the zone quest just like meta events currently in game.

So, if you don’t feel like doing dungeons, don’t like pvp or are bored of only doing events in Orr, this could be a nice change of pace and offer players some change in scenery from day to day.

This would have the added bonus that players levelling up would feel like the world is more dynamic, with certain zones suddenly becoming much more active and “dangerous”. In general, NPC’s would talk in the capitals about the “recent increase in [insert enemy here] activity in [insert zone here]” and would make the world feel much more alive!

Zaishen quests in GW1 were much loved (there were some who didn’t like them of course, but the general opinion was positive) and it would be great to see something similar come back to Guild Wars 2!

What do you guys think?

(edited by Nelien.7968)

Clicking on an Achievement should bring up more detail instead of dismissing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nelien.7968


I’ve gotten used to the fact that clicking on any notification on the screen dismisses it in GW2, but a “Recent achievements” sections is definitely needed!