Showing Posts For Nero Stark.1369:
You are complaining about AI in PvP, and all three of your screenshots contain “clone” mesmers. It’s pretty logical for someone to assume that you don’t like the mesmer’s clones.
Since when does posting screenshots about “something you think is peculiar” equates to “complaining”?
To me it’s funny that a format that should be “PlayerVsPlayer” becomes “PlayerVsAI”.
Why read so much more than that into it?
I took part in the identification of the AI bug, it has been fixed 3 days ago, no need to reference old threads.
Perhaps you need to be reminded that this thread was opened before the fix, the reference was related to your question
(reread my previous post. Keyword: “were”)
Also, the whole thing about the AI bug was not about clones, it was about phantasms (Which is also why I find it unlikely that you play mesmer half of the time).
Aren’t you overanalizing my posts? With all your assumptions and “conclusions”, you are missing some clear points: I wrote I’ve been playing mesmer for half of my (PvP) time since the 25th (when I opened this thread). So what?. I’m still calling all the mesmer AI as “clones” (/care), even if they are phantasms, ghosts, banshees or whatever ectoplasms, as much as I’m used to call all necro AI as “minions”, even if they are golems or bone fiends or else.
My fun is just throwing all the clones (whoops, “mesmer AIs”) I can at my enemies with my clone mesmer, hiding here and there to avoid some raging warrior or thief, and then after a while… “profit!”
I’m asking a legitimate question. You are suggesting that there is a problem with all the AI going on, yet you don’t provide any possible solution. What exactly do you suggest?
Perhaps while I see this just as an amusing thing, your persistence in asking for a solutions means that to you having several PvP matches where half or more of the players are using an AI class (or the same AI class) is a problem that needs a fix?
You are asking a solution to the wrong person. To me:
- this is just a funny thing (it should be plain and clear from the first post),
- it is wasted time. I’m paid to find solutions. I don’t work for free
I understand that perhaps you want to nerf the necro MM build so that necros use different builds.
Me? What? Is nerf the only answer you’d give?
Perhaps I will try that build too, when I have some time.
(and please, let’s not start with “nerf necro MM”, or someone else will feel the need to defend his pet class)
I don’t really like the whole clone mechanism of the mesmer either, but the only solution is for a complete re-design of the mesmer, which is (probably) never going to happen.
I agree with the clone mechanism being /meh.
That’s why in GW2 my main is not a mesmer as it was in GW1.
Well what do you want mesmers to do, stop summoning clones and illusions?
Where did you get that?
You don’t like clones […]
And this one too, where did you get that?
I just posted screenshots showing that many players are using classes or builds that rely heavily on AI.
Other people’s choices are not influenced by what I like or dislike.
You also indirectly say that mesmers are OP
I was under the impression that NPCs in PvP were a bit OP.
Don’t just take my word for it
Perhaps you have a different opinion. Also, perhaps you have an explanation on why so many people (including myself, now) are playing an AI using class.
In MY own experience, now I’m playing a mesmer in PvP half of the time, and I can tell I’m finding it easier compared to other classes I used. However I’m enjoing the game as it is.
So, again, where did you get that I’m asking for a nerf?
(edited by Nero Stark.1369)
Well what do you want mesmers to do, stop summoning clones and illusions?
Where did you get that?
You can make any class look like it’s played most if you ONLY show screenshots of games where X class is.
I’d like to have seen how many games were between these screenshots, and if they were hotjoin continued play.
I have several others, and I’ve decided to take some screenshots after seeing this ridicolous trend.
It’s not just mesmers, there are necros and rangers too
As for your second question, they were in SoloQ.
I tried to make a mesmer with clones yesterday, I find it easier than some other classes, I understand why AI (ab-)users are so common.
I really was able to
1. Summon all the AI
2. Target enemy (or not)
3. Press Random buttons
4. ????
5. Profit
And this explains why:
It’s really hard to fight mesmers as a new player, but chin up. Looks like you have a target rich environment of bad new mesmers to practice on.
I just spam the the whirling blade (skill 2 on GS for the guardian) as often as I can, and usually all those bad bad scary ghosts go away XD
Something is not right XD
from time to time I am dropped into PvAI, instead of PvP – 3 clone mes + 1 necro MM – 3 clone mes VS 1 clone mes + 1 necro MM – 3 clone mes + 1 necro MM VS 2 clone mes
It would be nice to see a red post on this given the impact this change has on all of us. I’m not expecting it but hey I can dream. LOL
This thread has over 6000 reads. So for all you lurkers, you need to speak up about how you feel regarding this change. ;P
I too would like more options for each play mode and would not object to being limited receiving credit for five each day.
De-lurking. I agree with —^.
I play PVE. PVP and some WvW.
However, when I log in I might be in the mood for only one of the modes.
I don’t like the reduction of options, I’d prefer to have more choices available as to which dailies to complete.
(p.s. – the cap to AP is good.)
Awesome fight going on, it’s not 2vs1, it’s like u did with vizuna to us on match1, normal fight we never 2vs1 piken with river piken dont flame we look just for good fight and catapult invu wall
It was a nice fight, indeed.
Two different blobs attacking on two sides and getting pushed back several times.
It was not a “normal fight”, but it’s part of the game, I don’t think anyone will complain
last night EB was so hilarious, SFR camping our keep gate while RS was stacked inside the cap circle without even looking at eachother, and still 2 blobs took more than 3 minutes to kill my guard XD
Yep, that was quite funny. Not only they didn’t attack each other (one team was capping while the other was spawncamping, I took two screenshots), did you notice that one “enemy team” decided to stop trebbing the keep, when the other “enemy team” got inside?
RS capping on the left —>
SFR camping gate on the right -->
Even if we were outnumbered we held for a lot of time, overall it was a fun match.
Nice fights everywhere, see you all ingame
(edited by Nero Stark.1369)
This is not fun, I just wasted time trying to pug Evon T4, after a half dozen of fails the party splits, and you are back to town trying to form up a new party. Rinse and repeat.
Too much CC, health pools too large, too much aggro.
The solution? Find a gimmick and exploit it. Good job, really.
EDIT: Just to be clear, I got the T4 for Kiel a couple of days ago.
I achieved Dungeon Master several months ago, I’m used to difficult content and to finding ways to overcome it.
Still I think Candidate Trials is badly designed.
(edited by Nero Stark.1369)
Kind decision.
Well, I missed the one day Karka event due to lag.
Now I missed this one due to a date change.
I’m collecting them. Will there be an achievment for missing one day only events?
Thank you Arena Net.
NO. Useless stuff for WoW dropouts and paranoid MF haters.
It’s not needed.
You l33ts should start a guild so you don’t have to worry about pUGs. I am sure you and all your friends…..oh wait nvm
I still say no, and I don’t want them to keep changing the game we bought as is to cater to WOW refugees
+1 for you!
@Wintyre: Very nice thread you started.
I hope ArenaNet takes the time to read what you wrote.
I’ll share my experience here.
My gametime has dropped from an average of 2hours/day to 4hours/week and in the end it went to 0 in the last seven days.
I didn’t think too much about it, I was and avid GW1 player but I started feeling really detached from GW2 and just spent my game time elsewhere. Then I realized when and why this change occurred. After the Cursed Shore event I saw that one of my main goals had become pointless because it had not only just moved farther, it had come with gated content (fractal levels) and grind. Then in the AMA I discovered that future updates were going to push farther away that goal. Am I gonna ever max out my character?
Some of us are casuals who are tired of playing games we have no hope of ever maxing out characters in. Others are more hardcore players who are sick of the gear-progression treadmills and want a more relaxed, less time-consuming MMOG experience. Still others are those who want an MMOG where competition between players is not permanently skewed by never-ending gear score differentials. Many others are frustrated with gear or stat-gated content that prevents them from experiencing areas or events because they don’t have the best, or specific kinds of gear.
I don’t have countless hours to spend just to max a character, neither I like neverending races to arms.
I like a game where the objectives (max stats) are achievable with a reasonable effort, a game I can enjoy and that can satisfy my inner completionist in an healthy way (by “healthy” I mean without having to neglect work/school, wife/girlfriend, hanging out with friends).
I love Guild Wars because I felt it was the closest match for my needs in terms of time and effort needed.
In my opinion it’s wrong to say “Guild Wars 2 is a different game, change your expectations”, a large share of the player base comes from the previous installment of the franchise. The Hall of Monuments was offered to bring in players from the old game to the new one. War in Kryta and Winds of Change were there to make a bridge from GW to GW2. We played in anticipation of the new game, filling slowly our HoMs, all because we expected a similar experience.
I feel as if this game is still searching for an identity, trying to appeal at the same time both the old Guild Wars players and the mainstream MMO players. Are we sure this is something that can be reached?
As for the “content burners”: I’ve seen screenshots of a player with 1700 hours of gametime in just 3 months, that means an average of 18 hours a day, each day, for 3 months (I hope for him that a share of that time was spent afk). There are players who spend 10+ hours a day engaged in game activities. Are you surprised that at a certain point such players will complain that the game has nothing more to offer? How long can you keep entertained/engaged such players without adding insane grind levels? And which is the breaking point to which you will be alienating the ones who don’t spend their lives ingame? Is a gear threadmill the answer to that?
I understand the dilemma the developers will face each time they add new content, and the fine thread they must walk on to balance evenly the game, but I think they are giving in too much to the vocal forum crowd, where the percentage of hardcore players is way higher than inside the game.
The more casual/non vocal ones are less likely to come to the forums complaining. If they feel the game doesn’t cater to them anymore, they just leave and do something else.
I’m going to log in to see the Wintersday event, just to give a look, but I don’t feel that interest like I had before. I still care about GW2, and I haven’t lost hope it can grow beyond its potential.
I didn’t play for a couple of days, and when I logged in today I found out it was hard to find a team. It took me 30 minutes to get a group for level 4.
To this, add the disconnect bug: I was out of the dungeon while the rest of the party was at the end boss.
I looked again for a team. I managed to get an invite from another team. They were looking for people with level 5, but accepted to do level 4, because they were tired of waiting. Then, someone in /m asked for a level 5 team. Guess what? I left the team, because I saw they wanted to do level 5 instead of 4, and I felt like a burden to their progression.
The other dungeons are forgotten, very few people want to run them, and not enough to form a team.
In the end, by logging in this evening I feel I only wasted my time.
Who came up with this idea of gated content?
(edited by Nero Stark.1369)
what the heck is going on?
Attack skills flash but do NOT work. Got kicked to character select screen, logged in again. Now I’m dead on the floor and there is so much lag that even waypoint-ressing does not work. So i’m stuck dead on a floor doing sweet F A.
Same here… isn’t it fun?
I’m dead on the floor, don’t even know how. And can’t use waypoints.
The lag is so heavy, the event is unplayable.
While doing Arah (storymode) my character got stuck inside one of the turrest of the airship. Even using the waypoint it was impossible to “get out” of the turret.
The only advice left was to relog, and so I did (or at least I treid to).
When I tried to relog, had to download the new patch, and once I managed to get inside the game again, I’ve been invited by the team that was (and currently still is) in the dungeon.
No matter what I do, I tried several times by leaving the party and getting invited again, when I click on the popup “Enter storymode”, I get the message “The game client is unable to access the login server at this time.[…] Code 19:9:18:1614:101)”
Could it be that the fact that my build is different from the build of the guys still inside of the dungeon is preventing me from entering it?
Server: Piken’s Square.
Can’t enter Lion’s Arch with my warrior. Stuck with an endless looping loading screen.
Can enter without problems Kessex Hills with my engineer.
Did this two times. Both times the NPCs didn’t move.