Showing Posts For Neruda.9701:
With all due respect to all involved I would just like to mention one thing. Among the many buggs and short comings of this game, mainly the impossibility to trade with Paypal or any other means in the last 4 days, people loosing their Golds etc …
What is really unacceptable is the total lack of respect and consideration Anet are showing to their players (clientes: yes, I say clientes, because that what we are, we paid for a service; game and it has not met its specifications). The least expected, not only as common courtesy but a good practise in any business is a REPLY. The excuse that ppl are too busy is not acceptable, if staff is not enough, hire more, as Im sure the income received from all purchases and trades has created a good cash flow. Players are not asking for special treament or favours, only for what they paid for, a good working stable game, thus, they deserve in the least an honest reply, keeping us up to date on what exactly is happening and what is been done to correct all these issues, and not some repeated " Thank you for your patience", as some of us are definatly running out of it and once again I emphasize not due to the actual bugs but mainly due to the total lack of response by the people who pwn/run/develop/admin this game. Also the standard answer that the problem lies always on the players side is infuriating !!! “Card approval failes” Please check YOUR….." I beleive keeping the system down if it does not work would be a much more honest approach and less time consuming for the players, who at first beleive something is wrong and persue to try several other atempts when in fact its the system that does not work .
TP on buying Gems STILL not working….. 3 days now,,,this is sad