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cultivated seed swapped with pet seed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nesukia.7561


Just popping in to say that my “Cultivated Seed” was also swapped for a “Pet Seed”.

I made the first tier back item before the patch. I finished all of the Dragons Reach Part 2 story content and created a Chaos Infused Clay Pot before I noticed that the seed had changed. Unfortunately I can’t recall if the seed was in my inventory or my bank when the game patched, though the seed was in my bank for nearly every step of Dragon Reach Part 2 (can’t recall if it was put there before or after the patch) up until I removed it with the intent to combine it with the pot.

Including a screenshot, since it was asked for.


Romance Repetition

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Nesukia.7561


This topic.


See this is why I wish I had a time machine so I could zip forward to a place where this nonsense doesn’t happen anymore. Ah well, it’ll come so long as we keep working for it.

Stopped taking it seriously the second the word “agenda” came up. Honestly, was this topic just a troll attempt? Keep this topic respectful, eh mods? Sorry, but this topic didn’t start from a place of respect for all human beings and it ain’t gonna get there.

More NPC's having heterosexual relationships.

in Living World

Posted by: Nesukia.7561


correct me if I’m wrong,

Your wrong. So. Very. Wrong. That’s heteronormativity for you though. Ton’s of hetero relationships, two homosexual ones, and suddenly people act weirded out.

Anyway for hetero couples in game (I’m excluding the books, because spoilers):

Logan and Jennah
Bloomaloo and Penalopee the Quaggan’s
Rox and her dead mate
Morrigu and Leurent from the Twilight arbour
Tiachren and Ysvelta from the Sylvari personal story
Ton the Asura and his wife Ceera from the personal story
Elli and Zott, asura’s from the personal story
The married sailor couple from the personal story that Ellie and Zott are in
It’s implied vaguely that Gixx, a priory Asura has a crush on Maeva, the Asuran women with the shielded house from the personal story
A high ranking Whispers member mentions his dead wife (darned if I can recall his name though. He acts as the Whispers representative to the Pact most/all of the time.)
Tckik and Kitaka. Skrit from the Skrit personal story segment
Gairwen from the Green Knight Sylvari PS and her dead lover whom Bercilak killed, and for that matter Bercilak who killed him because he was interested in her

Right off the top of my head. Need I go on?

Of course that doesn’t even start to take into account, say, folk like Lord Faren, who frequently make their interest in the opposite sex known without being part of a couple. (Not that that make’s them heterosexual by itself. Why hello there bi/pansexuality, but you know what I mean.) It also doesn’t account for all the ambient dialogue and / or quests and events of NPC’s around the world, or smaller comments and actions that fall into a grey area. There’s absolute loads of that, so much it isn’t worth mentioning. Seriously, just wander around Holebrek for about two seconds and listen to what the NPC’s are chatting about.

Hmm, I’m stating to wonder if this was even worth replying too. How the HECK does one even START to think there’s a lack of heterosexuality about?

Seriously, its TWO major couples. We don’t even HAVE an visible important queer dude yet. (Hey, Anet, you guys listening? If so, firstly, awesome company, inclusion matters and you guy’s rock! Secondly, no really, can we please?) I wish we could all stop claiming the worlds outta whack when ever reality come’s along, and there are gasp actual queer people being shown. Even in still small numbers. ‘Course I’m not just talking about you specifically OP. Or even this fandom specifically. It’s a societal issue, not specif to GW fandom obviously. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and call out this silliness when it comes up.

Impending Character Death

in Living World

Posted by: Nesukia.7561


GW2 introduces their first (remotely important) queer couple that isn’t supremely dysfunctional to the point of evil. Half the couple gets frigged only a few updates after we get to know beyond doubt that they’re a couple?

Yup, sounds like the sort of thing that one sadly might still expect, but from GW2? I dunno. (Just to get ahead of critiques that statement, the solution is more non effed up and/or tragic queer folk in media in general, not never killing off an important queer character ever. So calm your butt’s down if you were about to misinterpret and jump on a person for saying that.)

That being said, the reason I bothered to check out this topic was because it feel’s to me like Tami’s got a bit of a target on her back. I couldn’t pin point why either, given that it would feel a bit over the top to kill a newly introduced super sympathetic child shortly after introducing them. As previous posters pointed out thought, GW2 does seem to have a bit of a pattern with introducing likeable NPC’s primarily to kill them off and knock some emotions out of players, what with the NPC deaths in the personal story and all.

Achievement reward glitch. Clarification?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nesukia.7561


So some time ago, I encountered a glitch with the achievement rewards. When I selected my Vambraces skin I received the incorrect skin. Specifically I wanted the Radiant Vambraces skin, selected it, but instead received the Hellfire Vambraces skin.

Let me reiterate that again just in case, I selected the Radiant Vambraces skin, I received the Hellfire Vambraces skin. I sent a bug report directly after it happened and went onto the forums to see if this was a known glitch. At that time I saw quite a few topics talking about receiving the wrong Zenith weapon skin and the like. I assumed it was a known glitch and therefore would be patched en masse in the near future. I also (wrongly) assumed the bug report I sent would be sufficient to alert someone to the issue I had encountered even if steps were not taken to fix the glitch all at once for everyone who experienced it.
Well some time passed, I got pulled away on vacation among other things, generally had to deal with life, but I assumed the bug report and the number of other people who encountered this error meant it would eventually be fixed. After a while and no fix, I sent in a ticket about this issue (the ticket number being #130813-000536) and received some communication from staff.

Firstly they asked me to give specifics regarding the date and time this glitch had occurred. I stated that I received the reward on July 16th, 2013 around 8:00pm EDT shortly after when the servers reset for daily’s and what have you in my time zone. The first day the Vambrace skins became available to players if memory serves.

I received the following message back in response,

“We have reviewed the details of your request for an exchange of achievement rewards, and we will not be able to make a reward exchange in this particular case. The Guild Wars 2 Support Team can assist with mistaken achievement reward choices once only, for one item only, and for just a short time after the reward is received.

Please be very careful when claiming your rewards in the future, and pay close attention to the confirmation window. "

When I sent off another email to support staff to clarify that this was a glitch rather then a mistake on my part as the email seemed to imply, I received the standard (to my knowledge) “Too bad, so sad” response,

“Thank you for updating us regarding this issue.

While we understand that you would have preferred to receive a different response to your petition, we must reiterate that we are unable to fulfill your request. "

Well that’s great and all, but it didn’t really answer my questions nor did it clarify whether or not the support team understands that this was not user error but rather a glitch, or my main question, whether or not that knowledge changes anything about their ruling.

Obviously there might be some technical limitation on fixing or swapping rewards after a certain amount of time has passed. If that’s the case then I’d just like to know. Heck I’d like more information on what happened in general. The email I received from support might imply for example that while the image and name of the Vambraces were swapped the conformation box stated the name of the actual skin I would receive. Admittedly, I don’t remember the dialogue from the conformation box. I suppose it’s possible it stated that I would receive a different Vambrace set from the one displayed in the picture and name. It’s slightly irrelevant though as either way, the name and picture of the equipment I selected were for the Radiant set, not the Hellfire set.

The long and short of it is I’d like more information and some clarification regarding this issue. Does the knowledge that this was not user error but rather a glitch change anything? Am I going to be compensated at all for this glitch even if not by way of receiving the correct skin? Does the support team even acknowledge this as a glitch?

To reiterate, and for easy reference, the ticket number I received for this case was #130813-000536.