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HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nexus.3071


Why not just give us another CD key for the core game? I mean we already paid $60 for the original when it came out…plus this would give us the opportunity to have other people play the game that might end up buying it for themselves. That means free advertising for you and we don’t feel quite as ripped off. OR just knock $20 off the expansion price for members who already own the core game…. I really feel like the original players are getting the short end of the stick here…..

MATH for the original player:
original game (on release date) = $60
expansion + nothing for original players = $50
TOTAL = $110

MATH for new players:
original game = free
expansion (which includes the original game) = $50
TOTAL = $50

So there’s a $60 deficit for people who were loyal and bought the game when it originally released… That’s basically punishing people for buying the game years ago. Not cool…

Were you complaining when they sold the game for $10 those couple weekends? Are you upset when you buy a game for $60 and years later its price drops? You need to realize that prices of games drop over time. Your value hasn’t diminished because someone X amount of years later got it for cheaper.

I think you missed the point completely…. I’ll explain more simply for you, I don’t care that the price dropped… I payed $60 for this game at launch because it was awesome. I have no problem paying $60 for a good game. But $50 for an expansion? Plus new players get the old game for free? Give me some incentive to pay more for less….gems/in-game content/character slots/something. I will gladly pay $35 for “just the expansion” as I already own the core game but not $50.

Maybe you should look at the math that you tried to educate us with. That deficit that you complained about was all from the core game being a free bonus for new accounts. Of that $60 deficit, $50 of it was part of the sales from those who purchased it during those couple of weekends. If you had an issue with the $60 deficit then you had an issue with the $10 sales.

So um…you missed the point again lol…but ok…and no, $10 sales are awesome, but $50 for an “aged” game’s expansion…no me rikey. But hey, you can pay the $50 for it if you want. But I would bet, that if you already own the game, you wouldn’t have any complaints about paying less for the expansion…unless you like getting ripped off.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nexus.3071


Why not just give us another CD key for the core game? I mean we already paid $60 for the original when it came out…plus this would give us the opportunity to have other people play the game that might end up buying it for themselves. That means free advertising for you and we don’t feel quite as ripped off. OR just knock $20 off the expansion price for members who already own the core game…. I really feel like the original players are getting the short end of the stick here…..

MATH for the original player:
original game (on release date) = $60
expansion + nothing for original players = $50
TOTAL = $110

MATH for new players:
original game = free
expansion (which includes the original game) = $50
TOTAL = $50

So there’s a $60 deficit for people who were loyal and bought the game when it originally released… That’s basically punishing people for buying the game years ago. Not cool…

Nexus, that’s not at all how it works. You have been playing the game for the past few years. You paid money to be able to play the game before now.

Y’all think you’re a bunch of economic geniuses, but in reality it shows there is very little understanding on these forums about cost, depreciation/aging, and new product sales.

I find it very difficult to believe that there is any discussion still about the fairness of the business model. the only thing worth complaining about, potentially, is the price itself. Everything else just shows the severest form of entitlement.

I completely understand how this all works and I’m not claiming to be an economic genius, however the fact remains that I and many other users have to spend more money in order to enjoy the same product. That good enough for you? Look at WoW…yes the price dropped for the original game, however you were still required to purchase the original AND the expansion. Blizzard didn’t ding old players because they already owned the game. They just asked for money for the new game. PLUS they had a dreaded subscription base, yet its the most popular MMO to date. Now how did they get all those people to buy they game? I wonder? Maybe something to do with not ripping off the original audience? Being fair when it came to pricing? Maybe attracting newcomer’s through the buddy system/refer a friend and free trial cd keys? Don’t advertise free stuff that isn’t free for everyone. And don’t alienate your original audience by making them pay more for less. And we all reserve the right to voice our concerns over this business model… It’s a kitten poor decision on Anet’s part and I hope they find the common sense to address it. $50 for both games is a great price for people new to the game but way too expensive for those who have owned it since launch.

Even if the expansion price dropped by $20, they’d still be getting more than you. The primary issue that people have is with the price. If the expansion was $25-30 then all those still complaining would likely care less if the core game was included.

EXACTLY……prices should be lower for people who already own the game….now you’re getting it. Sheeeesh

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nexus.3071


Why not just give us another CD key for the core game? I mean we already paid $60 for the original when it came out…plus this would give us the opportunity to have other people play the game that might end up buying it for themselves. That means free advertising for you and we don’t feel quite as ripped off. OR just knock $20 off the expansion price for members who already own the core game…. I really feel like the original players are getting the short end of the stick here…..

MATH for the original player:
original game (on release date) = $60
expansion + nothing for original players = $50
TOTAL = $110

MATH for new players:
original game = free
expansion (which includes the original game) = $50
TOTAL = $50

So there’s a $60 deficit for people who were loyal and bought the game when it originally released… That’s basically punishing people for buying the game years ago. Not cool…

Were you complaining when they sold the game for $10 those couple weekends? Are you upset when you buy a game for $60 and years later its price drops? You need to realize that prices of games drop over time. Your value hasn’t diminished because someone X amount of years later got it for cheaper.

I think you missed the point completely…. I’ll explain more simply for you, I don’t care that the price dropped… I payed $60 for this game at launch because it was awesome. I have no problem paying $60 for a good game. But $50 for an expansion? Plus new players get the old game for free? Give me some incentive to pay more for less….gems/in-game content/character slots/something. I will gladly pay $35 for “just the expansion” as I already own the core game but not $50.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nexus.3071


Why not just give us another CD key for the core game? I mean we already paid $60 for the original when it came out…plus this would give us the opportunity to have other people play the game that might end up buying it for themselves. That means free advertising for you and we don’t feel quite as ripped off. OR just knock $20 off the expansion price for members who already own the core game…. I really feel like the original players are getting the short end of the stick here…..

MATH for the original player:
original game (on release date) = $60
expansion + nothing for original players = $50
TOTAL = $110

MATH for new players:
original game = free
expansion (which includes the original game) = $50
TOTAL = $50

So there’s a $60 deficit for people who were loyal and bought the game when it originally released… That’s basically punishing people for buying the game years ago. Not cool…

Nexus, that’s not at all how it works. You have been playing the game for the past few years. You paid money to be able to play the game before now.

Y’all think you’re a bunch of economic geniuses, but in reality it shows there is very little understanding on these forums about cost, depreciation/aging, and new product sales.

I find it very difficult to believe that there is any discussion still about the fairness of the business model. the only thing worth complaining about, potentially, is the price itself. Everything else just shows the severest form of entitlement.

I completely understand how this all works and I’m not claiming to be an economic genius, however the fact remains that I and many other users have to spend more money in order to enjoy the same product. That good enough for you? Look at WoW…yes the price dropped for the original game, however you were still required to purchase the original AND the expansion. Blizzard didn’t ding old players because they already owned the game. They just asked for money for the new game. PLUS they had a dreaded subscription base, yet its the most popular MMO to date. Now how did they get all those people to buy they game? I wonder? Maybe something to do with not ripping off the original audience? Being fair when it came to pricing? Maybe attracting newcomer’s through the buddy system/refer a friend and free trial cd keys? Don’t advertise free stuff that isn’t free for everyone. And don’t alienate your original audience by making them pay more for less. And we all reserve the right to voice our concerns over this business model… It’s a kitten poor decision on Anet’s part and I hope they find the common sense to address it. $50 for both games is a great price for people new to the game but way too expensive for those who have owned it since launch.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nexus.3071


Why not just give us another CD key for the core game? I mean we already paid $60 for the original when it came out…plus this would give us the opportunity to have other people play the game that might end up buying it for themselves. That means free advertising for you and we don’t feel quite as ripped off. OR just knock $20 off the expansion price for members who already own the core game…. I really feel like the original players are getting the short end of the stick here…..

MATH for the original player:
original game (on release date) = $60
expansion + nothing for original players = $50
TOTAL = $110

MATH for new players:
original game = free
expansion (which includes the original game) = $50
TOTAL = $50

So there’s a $60 deficit for people who were loyal and bought the game when it originally released… That’s basically punishing people for buying the game years ago. Not cool…