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UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: NigerAng.9183


Well, i hope everything ends here, i’m fairly sure everyone reading this thread can judge for yourself, different people have different perspective of what happen, really wish a moderator could close this thread.

Well deadly, like you have your loyalty to grekkz, we have our loyalty to noodles, its about how we want to enjoy the game, the ex emp players in dragonbrand has decided to stay here with noodles, me and tiger will support him 100%, if they want to join back JQ with emp, we wont stop them, we have already decided on that during the meeting. But i request that you stop posting here cause you have no say in this matter, i do not mind if its a JQ member but you are from sor. If you have a personal issue with me, pm me all you want in-game when i get on, i don’t mind.

(edited by NigerAng.9183)

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: NigerAng.9183


This was already settled by an internal meeting before we split up, why are you interfering then in this thread? It was not my decision alone, right now theres 3/4 ex emp leaders in dragonbrand with us.

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: NigerAng.9183


Alright i give up since you are playing ignorant, let the people reading this thread be the judge of it.

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: NigerAng.9183


ok then, from that statement, what did i do to EMP which is the same thing i did to AFS? a question for you.

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: NigerAng.9183


Wow, you were the one who started in this thread saying about the AFS gbank issue and saying how i am doing the same thing to EMP, when the fact is, i didnt take a single gold from it. Issue?

This statement by you is equivalent to accusing me of taking gold from EMP gbank

5 days to go. Another set of 1800 gems to be wasted. Sadly my request to be re-transferred back to JQ was rejected.

PS: Thanks for sharing this story, AFS. God I hope I knew this earlier.

We didnt reveal his past to any EMP members because we do not want to bad mouth anyone since he has a credible reputation in the guild as a commander. But now he did the same thing he did to us, so i think it is right i share with you guys what happen.

Sorry if we didnt warn you guys earlier. We didn’t know that this would happen again.

@Esqi, i’m clee friend, he cant be on his account right now, so i’m posting for him.

(edited by NigerAng.9183)

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: NigerAng.9183


People asked. And i tell thats all. Shame on you for making sly comments and sending us badmouthing emails and chats.

Is what im saying a lie? No. Do i care if you want to make me shameful? I do not. People need to hear this since it nearly happen again. Whether you took the gold is a different issue but you did take the gold without asking us permission. If you would have left nicely and just say that you wanted the gold then it was fine but you took it and didnt say a thing which is disrespectful and thus lost my respect. If you want to say shame on me then let it me. I have no shame for telling the truth.

The fact is, did i take gold from EMP? NO, you weren’t there when it happen, who are you to interfere in an another guild internal stuff. And why are you bringing all this stuff public after 6 months, its obviously is a personal attack on me to defame me. I doubt any of you guys will give me the gold after i left, its obvious from the moment i started talking to you nicely in pm and you started getting defensive of grekkz.

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: NigerAng.9183


5 days to go. Another set of 1800 gems to be wasted. Sadly my request to be re-transferred back to JQ was rejected.

PS: Thanks for sharing this story, AFS. God I hope I knew this earlier.

I just got permission to post the events that happen when Commander Lee was in AFS. This is from my perspective and not other guild members or leaders. This explains the story of creation of AFS till Countess Lee Left.

AFS was an alliance between SOS guilds LYN & OWR. We create AFS and selected Grekkz, to be our commander. Countess was the first other commander in AFS. He lead us during off hours when Grekkz was off. As much as i hate him now, he is a true dedicated person that plays even during our off hours.

He did a lot of mistakes as a commander but that was understandable as we all have to learn. He started promoting AFS in SOS and recruiting people at the fly which was good but we started losing control of our members. He get angry when people do not turned up for WvW during our off hours. He made some silly decisions and was consulted with our Commander and Officers (I was a normal senior at that time so i didnt know what was the mistakes).

He tried to make a coup but in the end he left because of the glory and we stay because of the fun. AFS has never wanted any fame and just wanted to enjoy WvW but he made it so serious and in the end our guild and him had difference in opinion and he said some bad stuff about us through a mail and & STOLE our gold and left the guild swearing vengeance on any AFS he passes by in WvW. No members ever followed him to SOR&JQ.

You know there are times when he said angrily on TS that SOS is in X borderlands need all help during SEA hours. That just 15 of us being spawn camp by him and his stupid commanding.

This is my side of the story first hand handling with countess (or legendary Lee)

LOL Clee. I wonder why we never got along

Well first off, i would like oxy to clear my name out in establishing that i never took a single gold from EMP guild bank when i made the decision to move to db through the logs, for the AFS accusation, yes i did took 20g out of the 100g that was in the guild bank during that time, i was the one who created the guild & bought drinks for a week influence buff which is 20g to kickstart AFS upgrades & hosting the guild website and teamspeak 3 server, (heck if i didnt keep pestering grekkz to go on with this idea, he would probably just stayed in LYN doing his malaysian alliance thingy) if taking 20g is considered stealing for you then to me its like a refund back for me for wasting time in a guild that doesn’t see eye to eye with me. Heck i even paid back all the afs members that i borrowed money from, ask roroall. And deadly shame on you for bringing a stuff that was months ago public just to take a lowblow on me & making it sound like i emptied 400g worth of gbank gold. I’ve placed the AFS chapter behind me few months ago after that encounter at bay.

And who’s to say if i left AFS without the 20g, you guys would have refund me, And this one time grekkz made me lose 15g cause he misspell a guys name who we were donating to, and i sponsored an ally of afs, cant remember his name, i’m fairly sure grekkz wouldnt deny this, i gave 50g for that ally for his commander tag from my own pocket cause i didnt want to waste AFS funds, would AFS refund me all those? NO cause apparently i’m the bad guy who is just intent on causing AFS destruction. Well i’m putting a fullstop here for this problem with AFS. Go ahead if you to post more stuff about me, only those who were with me know how things went.

IF 6 months in EMP, leading daily for 6 – 18 hours a day gets me all this kitten in JQ, then i’m glad i left JQ and placed it all behind.

(edited by NigerAng.9183)