I am experiencing these same issues though my error code is 7:11:3:190:101. I am a US based player (Comcast) and have had no problems at all until this last weekend (Sat27th). I have noticed that entering combat seems to trigger the unresponsive situation and that I do not always disconnect with an error message instead sometimes the game “catches up” and I am lying dead on the ground after some minutes.
In addition to the issues detailed by the other posters I have noticed that my entire network seems to become throttled while I am in-game. Being at the character select screen causes no problems whatsoever. My initial impression was something wrong with my router however I am unable to reproduce this behavior with any other game/application/service. Only with GW2 and only when I am within the playable world.
Nothing on my network has changed recently which might coincide with this issue and as my connectivity has been excellent for the entire month prior to Saturday I am hesitant to replace hardware which may or may not be responsible.