Showing Posts For Nightshade.1493:

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Nightshade.1493


With all due respect, balancing content like a story instance is completely different than balancing an enhanced jumping puzzle like Super Adventure Box, so for us it just wasn’t feasible to consider doing an “easy” and “hard” mode in this particular case.

Instead we focused our time and energy into making a really unique, polished and hopefully memorable encounter that enables any group of five to complete in roughly an hour. I understand that there are players who will simply object philosophically to this direction, and wish that all the content we create to be solo-friendly, but our company has always been focused around building an online world that encourages our players to play our game together.

For those of you who have taken the plunge and shut down one of the Molten Facilities, thank you so much for giving it a try and giving us your feedback. Hope to see you on the front lines!

Hi Matthew,

I happened to read your response on the thread concerning the disappointment some players felt regarding the dungeon-based ending for flame and frost. I had posted on that thread as well, and although I do not believe your comment was responding to me directly, I wanted to reply to a particular portion of it:

“I understand that there are players who will simply object philosophically to this direction, and wish that all the content we create to be solo-friendly, but our company has always been focused around building an online world that encourages our players to play our game together.”

Personally, I am not idealogically opposed to content that is not solo friendly. I personally enjoy encountering dynamic events in the open world and joining in on the battle! And you all have crafted such a beautiful world!

The reason I left the game centers around my personal feeling that although there is a great deal of content one may experience as a solo player in the game, I felt there was virtually no content that one could experience to its conclusion as a solo player: Personal Story, Exploration, Living Story for examples.

That said, I know that each developer has their own philosophy regarding development and I respect that you have clarified that philosophy and intend to stick to your guns. I was feeling very moved at my disappointment in not being able to complete those three portions of the game I had enjoyed so much, that I wanted to let the team know that I was experiencing that disappointment.

Matt (formerly Skade Thordottir)

hhmmn you are ok playing with 100 players taking down Jormag but oppose the idea of playing with 5 players to take down the dungeon boss….

do you see your own contradiction?

Hi Kript,

I can see how that would seem contradictory. Let me add this to clarify. I enjoy immersing myself in gameworlds. As someone whose profession is in public service, I enjoy the escape. Coming upon a dynamic event in the gameworld adds to my immersion, in fact I can say that is one reason I enjoy being in an online world… it feels alive by virtue of having others present. However, when one joins a dungeon one should communicate with their group and strategize. I respect that, but it does break my immersion and thus is no longer an escape.

Hope that helps explain the seeming contradiction.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Nightshade.1493


With all due respect, balancing content like a story instance is completely different than balancing an enhanced jumping puzzle like Super Adventure Box, so for us it just wasn’t feasible to consider doing an “easy” and “hard” mode in this particular case.

Instead we focused our time and energy into making a really unique, polished and hopefully memorable encounter that enables any group of five to complete in roughly an hour. I understand that there are players who will simply object philosophically to this direction, and wish that all the content we create to be solo-friendly, but our company has always been focused around building an online world that encourages our players to play our game together.

For those of you who have taken the plunge and shut down one of the Molten Facilities, thank you so much for giving it a try and giving us your feedback. Hope to see you on the front lines!

Hi Matthew,

I happened to read your response on the thread concerning the disappointment some players felt regarding the dungeon-based ending for flame and frost. I had posted on that thread as well, and although I do not believe your comment was responding to me directly, I wanted to reply to a particular portion of it:

“I understand that there are players who will simply object philosophically to this direction, and wish that all the content we create to be solo-friendly, but our company has always been focused around building an online world that encourages our players to play our game together.”

Personally, I am not idealogically opposed to content that is not solo friendly. I personally enjoy encountering dynamic events in the open world and joining in on the battle! And you all have crafted such a beautiful world!

The reason I left the game centers around my personal feeling that although there is a great deal of content one may experience as a solo player in the game, I felt there was virtually no content that one could experience to its conclusion as a solo player: Personal Story, Exploration, Living Story for examples.

That said, I know that each developer has their own philosophy regarding development and I respect that you have clarified that philosophy and intend to stick to your guns. I was feeling very moved at my disappointment in not being able to complete those three portions of the game I had enjoyed so much, that I wanted to let the team know that I was experiencing that disappointment.

Matt (formerly Skade Thordottir)

I really don’t understand the difficulties some of you are facing.

How hard is it to just pug with people? Last time I tried I had no problem finishing the dungeon. The whole point of a MMO is so that you can play with other people. If you want to do everything by yourself you might as well play Skyrim or Dark Souls for that matter.

Hi Showmatt,

Oh yes, I have played Skyrim and Dark Souls. Amazing experiences. Exploring Tyria initially seemed like and amazing experience as well, I simply found myself unable to to enjoy that world to a satisfying extent with my playstyle. Just documenting my personal feelings. Glad the design does work for you however.


Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Nightshade.1493


With all due respect, balancing content like a story instance is completely different than balancing an enhanced jumping puzzle like Super Adventure Box, so for us it just wasn’t feasible to consider doing an “easy” and “hard” mode in this particular case.

Instead we focused our time and energy into making a really unique, polished and hopefully memorable encounter that enables any group of five to complete in roughly an hour. I understand that there are players who will simply object philosophically to this direction, and wish that all the content we create to be solo-friendly, but our company has always been focused around building an online world that encourages our players to play our game together.

For those of you who have taken the plunge and shut down one of the Molten Facilities, thank you so much for giving it a try and giving us your feedback. Hope to see you on the front lines!

Hi Matthew,

I happened to read your response on the thread concerning the disappointment some players felt regarding the dungeon-based ending for flame and frost. I had posted on that thread as well, and although I do not believe your comment was responding to me directly, I wanted to reply to a particular portion of it:

“I understand that there are players who will simply object philosophically to this direction, and wish that all the content we create to be solo-friendly, but our company has always been focused around building an online world that encourages our players to play our game together.”

Personally, I am not idealogically opposed to content that is not solo friendly. I personally enjoy encountering dynamic events in the open world and joining in on the battle! And you all have crafted such a beautiful world!

The reason I left the game centers around my personal feeling that although there is a great deal of content one may experience as a solo player in the game, I felt there was virtually no content that one could experience to its conclusion as a solo player: Personal Story, Exploration, Living Story for examples.

That said, I know that each developer has their own philosophy regarding development and I respect that you have clarified that philosophy and intend to stick to your guns. I was feeling very moved at my disappointment in not being able to complete those three portions of the game I had enjoyed so much, that I wanted to let the team know that I was experiencing that disappointment.

Matt (formerly Skade Thordottir)

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Nightshade.1493


Greetings all,

Up until this point, I have been playing both GW2 and SWTOR. For me personally, I only have time to devote to one mmo and immerse myself in its universe and lore to the extent that I’m happy with. The developers at ArenaNet have crafted an absolutely gorgeous and detailed online world! Yesterday, I made the decision to uninstall GW2 and continue my adventures in Bioware’s Star Wars universe.

My decision was made, in part, because of the issue being discussed here. I felt like I could not make significant achievements in Tyria as a solo player. I was unable to complete my character’s personal story and was unable to bring my living story to its conclusion. I love exploration, but was unable to explore completely because the availability of some locations was dependent on the actions of other players.

I recently completed the new “Rise of the Hutt Cartel” expansion for swtor and was very satisfied to bring a new chapter in my character’s story to its conclusion, as others were enjoying group content present as separate adventures.

I have no issue with the presence of group content and recognize its importance. I have decided to go where I feel that all playstlyes are rewarded. I also realize that my views are only my own! Just wanted to add to the discussion and I will be keeping an eye on upcoming content in GW2 in case something strikes my fancy.

Skade Thordottir