Showing Posts For Nil.6289:

Mists Stone for 1000 Badges of Honor ?

in Living World

Posted by: Nil.6289


The amount of entitlement in this post is disgusting. Fractals is the most neglected piece of content in GW2. There are only a few people that run them anymore. Most days it takes over 10 min to fill a party with no stipulations and I gave up trying to pug a coordinated run. This is compared to near instantaneous fills of a normal dungeon. Fractals is not rewarding and far more challenging than the commonly run dungeons. Only the insane people who fight RNG for alright skins with little particle effect and those who want a challenge/want to better themselves as players fight in the mists. Don’t blame Anet they want people to do neglected content. Blame yourself for wanting the easy route out of another thing. It is most people in this thread’s arrogance that prevents them from asking people who know the content. Instead they join a group of people that are exactly like them looking for a pristine relic. If you have anyone who has a semblance of knowledge about fractals in a party I guarantee a sub 1:30 run and that’s only with many wipes and bad RNG. If even 1 more person does fractals because of this it is completely justified. Fractals needs to be given life don’t rip this chance away because you blame the people who you will not ask for help from. People will help you if you ask. GW2 is the best community for an MMO by far. Stop insulting it and join it.
I will run anyone that whispers me in game through fractals, but be willing to listen and be open to ideas.

Ok my rant is over
tl;dr fractals are dead and you dont want them to have life

I don't like doing daylies anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nil.6289


I’m completely fine with the update except for the removal of daily activity. It was my only motivation to do these and without needing it for a daily I find myself not doing any of the activities anymore. I think they are isolating part of the game that should not be. There is already a rotation of games so many games will be even more ignored than they used to be. I know someone will say “just go play the game if you like it,” but I believe that there are many other players that are forgoing activities that they used to frequent. I miss daily activity and it is the only game mode not consistently in the dailies.

Crazy Fractal run, LFM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nil.6289


Hey everyone the lvl 2 fractal run is happening tonight!! We need 2 more people to fill the team so if interested post here or ingame!!! If you ever wanted to see how un-meta something can be now is your chance!

Crazy Fractal run, LFM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nil.6289


Hey me and my friend have been wanting to do “lvl 2” fractals, where we start with fresh lvl 2 characters out of the start instance. We tried last night but we only got to the third fractal with a trio. (we could not deal with the sustain of anomaly with low dps) Three hours of not getting people we gave up, but the dream remains. If you or anyone else would like to try this we would love to try with a full 5 party without having to find pugs who are willing to be on a lvl 2 character.

Arah Story p2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nil.6289


I agree that it should give better rewards then a story dungeon. I could see it having a 2-3g rewards for how long Arah story takes up to the end or put a skin like teq or the wurm on Zhaitan to give people a reason to hunt it. However I do think enough people would do the dungeon if there was a big enough challenge on Zhaitan without good rewards.

Arah Story p2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nil.6289


Everyone knows the ending to the personal story/arah story quest is a bit disappointing. I will not give spoilers, rather to share my dream of a fight worthy of an elder dragon. There is, as many people know, a poi in the instance that cannot be reached. This is where the fight should have taken place. ON THE GROUND and with actual mechanics. It must have been in the works but, my theory, it was too hard to put into a story quest. That is why I would love to see Arah story p2.

It should not be affiliated with the personal story to keep a base level that a newer player could achieve in the personal story. It would be accessible like an explorable dungeon, but would replay story with the fight that should happen at the end. I’m not sure why that poi was scraped, but as it is currently leaves everyone unfulfilled. It could even take place after the first story quest as a he’s not dead do finish him off thing. I would love to see a huge empty arena (like Lupi but bigger) with a difficulty that would be a challenge worthy of slaying an elder dragon. It would also fill the need for a very hard dungeon boss and you could be able to reuse the amazingly animated Zhaitan. I know this is a lot to ask, but it could be a great way of adding new dungeon content without making an entirely new dungeon. Discuss additional features/ideas for Arah Story p2.

tl:dr Arah story sucks give us the way it should have happened

Soros vs Zojja

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nil.6289


Full berserker armor with scholar runes. All berserker ascended trinkets except backpiece. 30/0/0/10/30 for traits. Axe/mace and gs for weapons force sigil on gs/mace bloodlust on axe. Utilities: FGJ, banner of discipline or whichever is needed for group, SoR and 1 for situational use mostly either shake it off or endure pain. I usually run in pugs with ~15 might stacks and constant fury.

Soros vs Zojja

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nil.6289


Yah there are too many alts that need ascended weps before I worry about the looks. I was just wondering if I could save a step and get a decent looking gs

Soros vs Zojja

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nil.6289


I’m wondering the dps difference for a generic dps warrior if I used soros greatsword instead of zojja greatsword. I really want a different color than red and was wondering if it is too suboptimal? Also overall what is the dps difference between the two? Thanks for any answer