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Disconnecting often Code 58:11:5:512:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nine Iron.3546

Nine Iron.3546

I’ve been watching this thread for months with the same error but on a very random basis. I thought I finally read gold when the posts about DHCP, viruscanner, etc came up…..unfortunately not. I am connected directly to my cable router and use a static IP and have shut off all firewalls and virus protection while playing for the last week…still same issue. It is so very random…not on a specific time, area, day of the week, etc. A simple answer from someone that makes sense would be nice….is the problem Windows 7, or our ISP’s problem, or GW2 client problem. So nice to get into the heat of something then bam the message…by time you log back on people are running from the loot chest and you get to look at a no chest!

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Nine Iron.3546

Nine Iron.3546

I am a very casual player with a job and family. I left WoW to come back to the Guild Wars name I grew to love because of the non-grinding casual play. I typically don’t say much about games because I can’t join into all the fun but I have to agree…when an event starts, make a big party of it but repeat it or something. A “one time event” is basically the devs saying, no you must drop your life and show up to get into the fun and prizes….that’s no different than having to be on a game to raid with your guild at a raid time. It takes away the casual aspect and most of the players in the world that aren’t a pimple faced teen with no responsibilities get to watch it on Youtube and sigh in frustration. Anet said they want Guild Wars 2 to be unlike any other game but making me drop life to show up for a game is the same old same old to me! Please Anet…no more 1 time show up or miss out events, or at least give a larger window!