Showing Posts For Ninjagon.1576:
Please, don`t do this.
We do not need stronger gear. We do not want to grind dungeons.
There are better ways to advance players: Challenging WWW and PvP!
Really sorry but I am very disapointed with Sorrow’s Embrace dungeon now.
Path 2 was the hardest and logest way in this dungeon, people were complaining about last boss (2 golems) and you still buffed them ?
Path 1 – In the very beginning, packs are running every 30 seconds, you cannot kill them fast enough and you cannot avoid them or kite them long enough, because after another 30 seconds more will come ?
And finally, you cannot make change and try another (3th) path, even when you disband your party and log off. Still the path is set…, and well unplayable.
Every normal player should allready have the armor set from SE dungeon now, but how about casuals ? Why punish those people ? It is not fun.
I do not understand …
PS: A jestli rozumíš ?esky Roberte Hroudo, tak v?? že tyto zm?ny jsou opravdu k horšímu a ne, není to sranda …