Showing Posts For Noctis Kai.3579:
There is no luck involved, since the entire fight is based on patterns and set spawns. There is nothing random about it. Every run in the same arena is exactly the same.
I’m relatively positive, after 70 or so failures, the light-vortexes and the Rifts both have at least a semi-random spawn variances/activation rates(for rifts), cause in regards to Light-vortexes theres been a few occasions that its spawned kitten up against the wall making it next to impossible to get a clone to walk on it reliably.
It’s not impossible. Its a accomplish-able fight with memorizing patterns and such, but that said, I can’t in good conscience call “1-hit KO” mechanic anything but cheap and lazy design. The fight is fairly challenging in some ways, but not so fair in others. Fun for some, frustrating for most.
I’m not saying the fight should be changed, just that the rage toward it isn’t unreasonable.
(edited by Noctis Kai.3579)
Hey guys! Just thought I’d bump this ridiculously old thread to tell you this quest is still bugged!
The event where you defend Krewe Leader Dobbs is bugged and no waves spawn, there are no Golems at all in the surrounding area, and artifacts will randomly disappear while you’re holding them.
I had to run into the cave, pick up an artifact, and pray it didn’t disappear while i was running back outside to place it in the bin. To add insult to Injury, none of the hostile enemies in the area gave credit toward the Heart, so they would just be a constant nuisances as i collected vanishing artifacts.