Showing Posts For Nopeajousi.9734:
Hmmh, I have to say that the name Grovan Thunderfury kinda sounds like the name of a Charr. Not a bad name, but doesn’t give me personally a feeling of a Norn.
Karh Dreyrugr [meaning: blood stained]
Katla Angarsdottír
Dúna Ulfrvíf [meaning: wolf woman]
I think you’re missing my point. I’m trying to bring up an issue here. An issue people shouldn’t just dismiss… I’m just tired of people being straight forward mean to each other.
No, it’s not new to me. I’ve been playing this game since launch, but now I’ve gotten tired of the attutide alot of people seem to have. People usually just dismiss the matter with what you said: “It happens all the time”, turning a blind eye to it because for some reason they think rudeness should be part of the game?
:During WvWvW. I went to the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle, and as some of you might know, people like to camp on the area below the portals just waiting for people to kill. There was a time when I just ran past all enemies, avvoiding all fighting as much as possible. Even when people attacked me, I kept ignoring them, trying to show that I was there just to do the puzzle. But, after getting ganged up on by the french, the germans etc. I got tired of it. So, I decided that every time I see fighting, I would go and help my own people.
Well, this one time when I entered the puzzle area, I immediately saw fighting going on. So, I went to help my fellow player and attacked the enemy. The player I had gone to help started yelling at me to stop, and the moment I saw it I did. This person then called me stupid and an idiot, because they were having a 1vs.1 match. Apparently I should have had some magical ability to know that, without anyone saying anything? I sent the person in question a whisper immediately after that, confronting him/her about it, explaining I had no way of knowing they wanted it to be a 1 on 1. I was told they had been interrupted several times already, which is why they had gotten pretty annoyed. But why hadn’t they changed location then? Why try to fight 1 vs. 1 right underneath the portals all walk through to get to the puzzle? Why fight in a place where there’s almost always fighting going on?
I understand this person was in a hurry to stop me, but there was no reason to be rude and start calling me names.
I might be a lucky one for not having alot of personal stories to share, but I know alot of you guys have had similar and worse experiences with people who have hold no regard for other peoples feelings. I mean, too many times have I seen people tell others to uninstall/delete the game just because they don’t play it the way someone else wants them to play. SERIOUSLY. And too many times have I seen people tell others to GO KILL THEMSELVES. Just because we are all more or less anonymous in a game like this, and just because most of you are still kids, doesn’t give you the right to be vicious to others! And if someone asks something in map chat, stop being so sarcastic about it. People might actually be serious about their question, hoping someone would give them an answer instead of insults.
For example, at the start of an invasion, a person asked in map chat if there was anyone fighting to close a portal somewhere. Probably hoping to find a group to fight along side with instead of trying to kill the invaders all on his/her own. But instead of getting an answer to that, a link to a waypoint or a poi to navigate with, this person was replied to with sarcasm. Something on the line with “No, we’re all sticking our fingers in our butts”.
I know alot of people playing this game are kids, but that doesn’t give you the right to act all mean and childish. Everyone who has ever called other people names should take a bit of time to think about how it might affect the person in question. Seriously, how would it make you feel if you got told to GO KILL YOURSELF? Does it make you feel good? If you tell a new player to delete the game because he/she isn’t as ‘pro’ as you, do you really think it encourages people to get better at the game play? We have all been ‘noobs’ at one point or another, so please sit down and think about those times every now and then. I know it can be frustrating to play with unexperienced people, but how about some constructive criticizm, instead of insults and barks?
Seriously, what happened to players HELPING players?
Is it really too much to ask for people to be at least a little bit kinder to each other?
I’ve grown tired of people being rude and utterly mean to others in the map chat. I find it annoying and disturbing that people think it’s ALRIGHT to be nasty, because there aren’t any consequences. Why? Because you’re saying everything anonymously…
Yes, someone might report you, but what do you get? Maybe banned for a day or two and then you get back to being rude again.
What do you people gain from making others feel bad or uncomfortable playing the game? Can you be proud of how you act and present yourself? What ever happened to the old saying: “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all”?
Too many times when I log in to the game, the first thing I see in map chat is people barking insults at others. Insults, just because someone isn’t agreeing with how you want to play? Just because someone isn’t playing the game the way YOU want it to play doesn’t make him/her stupid. This happens especially in PvP and WvWvW way too often.
I don’t have many personal experiences in being called a noob, stupid, idiot etc. But the few I have I’d like to share here.
:During a PvP tournament. (For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s a match with 5vs.5)
I was on my thief, so I decided to have a little fun and interrupt the enemy team from capturing a point. I run a berserker build, so I don’t have alot of toughness or vitality (or condition removal), but I hit hard and fast. I managed to kite three enemy players around for a good while before they killed me. But yet, for some reason my teammates weren’t able to capture the other two points. Who knows why?
So, I continued doing what I did, getting enemies to gang up on me, interrupting their capture of points etc. to give time for my team to capture points with less opposition. And because I didn’t get many points during the match (other than from kills and a few captures), a teammate of mine began barking insults at me in the team chat and blamed our loss on me, saying I was a stupid noob etc.
If you want to criticize my gameplay, go ahead, but stop barking insults at people. Personally, half way through the match, I didn’t even want to play for my team anymore because of all the rudeness.