Showing Posts For NotOprah.9083:
I’ll go first, I think they should add a merchant that we can trade our badges of honor for tomes of knowledge. (stole this idea from someone else, nevertheless it’s a wonderful idea I think)
since any major update for WvW seems to take considerable time I think it would be smart if we could throw some ideas at them that would take a very short amount of time to implement. This way we can possibly receive WvW updates alot quicker then they’ve been coming in the past.
Remember to keep the ideas simple, anything too intricate will obviously take more then a day and would not fit the theme of the topic.
necro has the highest output of spike DPS (well bombs) and light CC (blind/chill spam)
still need more warriors and thieves!! apply now @
/shameless bump
You tell me “what’s up with that”. You who would rather spend hours upon hours siege humping water gate garrison, walking dolyaks to and from structures, spending gold on upgrades…. all for what? A few rank up chests at the end of the week? THAT’S what you’re spending all that time for? I will never understand people who ENJOY this dumb thing you call “PPT”.
Next time you ask “what’s up with that”. You tell me which sounds more fun. Farming points for your server so you can say that you won? (Ironically since it sounds like your playing NA timezone you’re contribution means almost NOTHING since only the off hours decide who wins PPT) Or would you rather test your fighting skills that you’ve honed and been training since you first picked up the game against some of the best players in the game?
Seriously, what’s up with that?
To all senior guardian:
I’m here to state my very honor to fight along the glorious force of gaurdian, and also to request some idea from you if you don’t mind to spare your wisdom.As a new guardian, I believe I have to be tough enough ( in PVE ) to take damage from my enemies and possess the strength to conquer them with my great sword. Here is my current build which I wish to be successful with. Please tell me if you spot fatal mistakes which could cost my life on the battle-field. sincerely,
a nameless new guardian
I changed the traits around a little bit. Not a bad build you got there but the 20 in virtues won’t do you much good in PvE unless you were going for a spirit weapon build maybe. I added 4 points in Valor for the +200 ferocity (more crit damage) and for the Retributive Armor trait (more precision = more critical hits = more damage). Also the Valor trait line has more to offer statwise over the Virtues line (Toughness + Critical Damage over Boon duration and Virtues CD reduction)
I made it a bit tankier as well as adding more damage
Good luck with your quest of fighting honorably on the battle-field Mr Nameless New Guardian!! xD
Hi there, I’m the leader and driver of Titanfist [TF]. We are a hardcore GvG/WvW guild that is aiming to conquer the NA GvG scene. We are also currently residing on the IoJ server.
What we expect from you:
*must be able to raid 3+ days a week (rally time is 8pm est)
*must have teamspeak 3 installed
*a mic
*willing to change build if yours is not adequate to our standards
*can take criticism and learn from it
If you’d like to apply or just want more info in general go ahead and check out our website @