Showing Posts For Nova.6902:

Which CPU for more FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


You don’t need 4 Cores at all. Saddky, 2 cores isn’t quite enough. You’ll be able to go around killing things, doing events and hearts and instances. But big events and WvW will be unplayable.
Normaly I’d suggest the i5 3570k 3.40kGHz ivybridge, it’s really nice and at nie price

I know this may be over your budget, but an i5-3330 3.00GHz is what you at minimum need, anything lower just runs this game like crap. Your GPU is fine.
I know there a little expensive, but it’s best for price+performance.

If you’ve got a motherboard that can support Socket1155, then try and fork out more money for it. Games seem to be more dependant on CPU these days

Btw, never get an AMD CPU, there just not what they use to be. AMD have really gone to hell on there motherboards and CPU’s of late and there GPU look to soon be following the trend. Stick with Intel, more money but worth it. Stay away from AMD FX Bulldoxer.. any of them!

Upgrading my Motherboard and CPU

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


Intel Core i7 3770
Asrock Extreme 4 motherboard
16GB DDR3 1600 RAM
SSD Sandisk 120gb extreme
Aftermarket CPU Cooler
Asus 7850 2GB ATI VC

i7 is going to far in price for me, there aren’t any games at the moment that utilizes the i7 than they do with an i5 3570k, As well as the i7 being stupidly overpriced. i7 is better ofcourse, but the lack of need for it and it’s price don’t interest me.

The motherboard I posted is better and only £10 more for me.

As for an SSD, what are they for? I’ve read up on some of them, tells me how they work (which sounds annoying) but no what there do/are for. ?

Anyway… anyone have the answer to my actual question?

Upgrading my Motherboard and CPU

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


? It’s not a micro board is it? I’m sure it’s not. I have a big gaming case with lots of room.
That motherboard looks very nice. But doesn’t sound better if at all, than the one I posted a link to. Only think really different is the dust protector which I’m not bothered about, I have a lot of compressed air cans. It’s a little expensive too, almost the same price as the i5 3570k.

Upgrading my Motherboard and CPU

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


Just as to why I’m upgrading, if you can’t already tell that the motherboard and CPU are rubbish. But I play GW2 and PlanetSide2 a lot. Both are very heavy on the CPU. Mine just can’t handle a lot of situation. I’m a big PC gamer, but I play games like Total Wars (all of them) ARMA, Dawn of War etc those games are older and run fine. Newer games seem to just kill my system.

I think my GPU is fine, I use a Radeon HD 6700 series. I’ll upgrade that eventually tho.

Upgrading my Motherboard and CPU

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


In the coming month, I’ll be upgrading my motherboard and Processor. I’ll post what the new ones are further down.

I know to delete all drivers of the older ones before putting in the new ones. (If I’m wrong or there is anything else, please correct me). The problem is, I have Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1. But I don’t have the CD to reinstall if it asks me to. I have the CD key, product ID and everything. Just no CD. I payed someone to build my system, buying the separate parts etc. So my PC isn’t from say HP or Dell. But the guy who built it no longer lived in my country and his shop has closed down. So I’m asking if it’s possible to put my version of Windows 7 onto the new motherboard without the new to reinstall it. I have a 1TB hard drive if that helps.

I’ve been reading on different forums that is the Windows that is installed came with the motherboard “OEM” or something, that I’ll need a new copy of Windows for the new motherboard. But I also come across other forums saying that I can keep the OS I have now. A lot of people when trying this get “CD Key invalid” but this link seems to have answered it, will this work? –

Motherboard –

Motherboard –

If any more details are needed just ask. Please try and make the instructions or info as clear as possible. I’m not to savvy with PC tech.

Sorry if I’m not being clear. If needed I’ll re-write anything as best I can if you don’t understand me. Thanks in advance.

(edited by Nova.6902)

Large download after install?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


I’ve always wonderd that. i know the game changes since the CD are made, but to download over 220k files AGAIN is just stupid, not every file from the CD will have been totaly redone. Otherwise I may as well just bought a digital copy.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


Thank you for the answer. That what I was looking for. I’m sorry if it seems I’m having a go, I’m not. This game is beautiful and fun when being kind to me. I don’t doubt that you all are working your best to get results. Your long and constructive answer is what I was looking for. You’ve now told me the steps and plans being taken which assures me something is being done. Not just some kitten “We know of the problem” while 3 months later we’ve not been told anything. I follow the Tech thread quite a lot.

I’ll do as you recommended. Thanks, you are a credit to your team.

One last question – 0 what came of this thread? Over 1k people posted, did it narrow anything down or help with the investigation?

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


I’ve had bad FPS since launch. I already sent my Dxd log into the forum were mods asked for them to look into it. That was months ago, there has been no info or direct answer to the problem. All that is said is make sure drivers/windows/model/enough RAM/CPU blah blah is all up to date and meets the minimum needed to run the game. I have a HD Radean 7950 x2 and an i7-3777k, with all drivers up to date (yes I do uninstall the older ones and then download the news ones) my CPU should not bottleneck anything. I get 30-35 FPS on low settings (everything like Shaders low, Shadows at none, texture low etc) AA s turned off in CCC and most of the settings set to performance if not all. I even tried the steps that you have in the Tech threads of a way to get better performance. Anything above 5 people in an area fighting (instances) and the FPS gets eaten. My GPU’s are running at 30-40% while CPU is running a 60%. It doesn’t over heat and there is no dust, I clean it often.

I also, after being fed up with this problem (which happens on no other game, not even BF3) I dropped it off at a repair shop, they didn’t find a single thing wrong with anything.

There really needs to be a thread assuring everyone that this problem is known of and is being worked on. With details of what is being done to fix it. Even if you don’t know what the problem if, saying “We’ve looked into this blah bah, it’s not this causing it, we will keep looking” will eliminate any doubts people have what may be causing it. To be told consonantly to see if my drivers are up to date is annoying. I know it is the case with some people. But it’s the only response we are getting.

(edited by Nova.6902)

$100 i5 2500k

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


Great pricem sucks that it’ kitten up only. I live in England and wold love to order and ship this over, as it would still cost less than the full prive thing.

a better deal is this –

i5-3570: 3.40GHz – for £184 and shipping great deal.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


I’ve been having the problem from day 1, it’s recently got worse with the latest hot fixes (the last 2)

All I’ve really heard so far is that your working on 32-bit systems and Nvidia but not much about AMD

I have an AMD Radeon HD 6700 series which should be running this game with no problem, but it’s only using 20-30% GPU usage and 80 CPU. It seems that it’s mostly CPU bound, almost making any high end GPU pointless. That is bad optimization.

It’s a great game and a lot of fun (not much to do apart from PvP, WvW or 100% everything once 80, get’s boring when you do it all the time, needs something for end-game) and I can see it being a great looking game, but I’m having to use auto detect and turn my grathics card settings down to even get 20-30 FPS. I should be doing over 70.

Yes my drivers are up to date
So is my Catalyst and I even have the CAM2 they released which was supposed to improve performance for GW2 but did next to nothing. AA is off also, my system is clean and dusted and my RAM and Hard drive space is good.


Another poor performance thread. (Help needed!)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.

Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.

You are not alone on this matter.

Bad performance. Help me!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.

Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.

You are not alone on this matter.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.

Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.

You are not alone on this matter.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.

Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.

You are not alone on this matter.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.

Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.

You are not alone on this matter.

Will this work (CPU/Processor)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


You have all helped me greatly. I thank you all for your tips and info. I know feel a little smarter and feel I know what I now want to do. Sadly, I can only give 1 of you te best answer. I’d have to go with Brem as he gave me some quite nice and affordable links.

Thank you all again.

Will this work (CPU/Processor)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


Ah, I figured as much when I looked up what 775 pin was =/

Any info on a good motherboard to buy that will fit that Bulldozer? Good performance for good price is what I’m looking for. So any price range really that’s not ultra gaming price I suppose.

It’s a shame, but thanks to you I’m not going to blow up my system any time soon

Will this work (CPU/Processor)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nova.6902


Hey guys, I’m calling out to the people who know about this sort of thing.

This is the new processor I am looking at – I want to know if it will fit.
If not, does anyone know one that will with a £150 budget?

Would be very thankful

I’ve posted a print screen from CPU-Z

I know there is not a lot of information from me, but I really don’t know what to say lol , If you need more info just say and I’ll do my best to get it back here.
