Showing Posts For Novaova.8314:

Clocktower, I'll miss you

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


A portal to the clock tower —even with no rewards-- would be lovely. Pretty please?

Will the LA Lion Statue come back or something new?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


This could be the beginning of a running gag. Destroy the Lion’s Arch fountain, then create a load of quests/events to rebuild it, then destroy it all over again at the next holiday, and so on. . .

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


Ssh, maybe they forgot to push the patch. =)

Clocktower, I'll miss you

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


I will miss it too. Please leave in a door to the clocktower somewhere!

Clocktower Appreciation Thread

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


It took me eight and a half hours to complete it the first time. 8.5 hours glued in my chair, no breaks, no pausing, just 8.5 hours of sheer determination. I am not good at jumping under pressure, but I was determined to learn. I finally got it, and I went to bed. The next day, I came back and did it 35 times on every character. It had gone from a grim task to my favorite thing in GW2. I will sorely miss the clock tower. If there was some way to leave it in the game, I’d do a few runs every day, even with no reward. It’s just that fun.

The 20 Phases of Clock Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


You captured it perfectly.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


I’m Commander Sheepherd, and this is now my favorite jumping puzzle in the Citadel.

Human Guardian, no boosts.

It took a week of 1-2 hours sessions, then an 8+ hour marathon get-er-done run to get it. (I am bad, bad, bad at platformers.)


Can we get a statement on the 'field of view' issue?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novaova.8314


I too would like to see some movement on this issue. The FOV is too low. Ideally it would be adjustable to suit the individual player’s preference. This is a game which is designed to be appreciated for its beauty, and yet people are deliberately playing in windowed mode and shrinking the Y dimension just to get a wider FOV, sacrificing large swathes of monitor space.

Post your performance here

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Novaova.8314


MBP, all options as low as possible, never more than 20 fps at any time, 5-12 fps typical just running around in a lightly-populated region. It’s not playable as-is.


Hint to all: you can just copy your Win installation

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Novaova.8314


Confirming that this works. Also, I have a real internet connection but see no reason to use 15 GB off of my data cap when I can just transfer the file from machine to machine using a big thumb drive.