Showing Posts For Novaova.8314:
This could be the beginning of a running gag. Destroy the Lion’s Arch fountain, then create a load of quests/events to rebuild it, then destroy it all over again at the next holiday, and so on. . .
Ssh, maybe they forgot to push the patch. =)
I will miss it too. Please leave in a door to the clocktower somewhere!
It took me eight and a half hours to complete it the first time. 8.5 hours glued in my chair, no breaks, no pausing, just 8.5 hours of sheer determination. I am not good at jumping under pressure, but I was determined to learn. I finally got it, and I went to bed. The next day, I came back and did it 35 times on every character. It had gone from a grim task to my favorite thing in GW2. I will sorely miss the clock tower. If there was some way to leave it in the game, I’d do a few runs every day, even with no reward. It’s just that fun.
You captured it perfectly.
I’m Commander Sheepherd, and this is now my favorite jumping puzzle in the Citadel.
Human Guardian, no boosts.
It took a week of 1-2 hours sessions, then an 8+ hour marathon get-er-done run to get it. (I am bad, bad, bad at platformers.)
I too would like to see some movement on this issue. The FOV is too low. Ideally it would be adjustable to suit the individual player’s preference. This is a game which is designed to be appreciated for its beauty, and yet people are deliberately playing in windowed mode and shrinking the Y dimension just to get a wider FOV, sacrificing large swathes of monitor space.
MBP, all options as low as possible, never more than 20 fps at any time, 5-12 fps typical just running around in a lightly-populated region. It’s not playable as-is.
Hint to all: you can just copy your Win installation
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Novaova.8314
Confirming that this works. Also, I have a real internet connection but see no reason to use 15 GB off of my data cap when I can just transfer the file from machine to machine using a big thumb drive.