Showing Posts For NoxMaelstrom.1856:

Empty zones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxMaelstrom.1856


All of my characters take the Krytan route up to 70. I just like the Meta-chains better and events fire off fast in pretty close proximity (at least that’s how I perceive it).

After I got 100% map completion on one character, I obviously favored some areas over others and I ignore the other half of the world for the most part.

So what would make me visit those other areas? I like to fight big kitten monsters. I like fast event chains that span the map. I like the idea that players could mess up and lose a chance at the big kitten monster. Some world bosses and some areas have that. But most don’t.

Want me in the shiverpeaks?

Add some assaults on Svanir camps to draw out a legendary shaman. Killing him drops an ice tablet that you need to get to a Norn shaman to translate before it melts. The tablet is a bundle, so other players need to escort across the map. Drop the bundle or get downed and the event fails. The Norn reads the tablet to reveal locations of two gongs on opposite ends of the map. Players have a time limit to get to the gongs and they have a three second cooperative window to hit them simultaneously. The gongs crack Drakkar late and you fight a giant corrupted octopus. WIN!

How to keep me in the area and doing other stuff? Add a five to ten minute timer between assaults on the bases so I do events during chain breaks. Make the camps assaulted occur in random order so I am active in the map instead of idling in a hot spot.

I would be in the Shiverpeaks for at least an hour every day. And i’m sure a good amount of other people would too. This was sort okittend of experimented with in Southshore with the Karka queen. The problem with that event was Southshore still has a ways to go before it gets rid of the bad taste it left in peoples mouths from it’s launch event, and the general impression I get from /m is that people just don’t like Karka as enemies.

I’m sure my above example probably isn’t possible given scripting or engine limitations. But it gets the tone across. Every map needs something of that scale, interaction and fragility. Not a tiny meta that encourages either being skipped entirely, or everyone crowding the finale because someone can solo the pre-event with little to no risk of failure.

Fantastic idea….

Longest stealth period....

in Thief

Posted by: NoxMaelstrom.1856


I should have been clear in my original post – it was not shadow refuge he was using which has a distinctive tell.

I evaluated the various builds with a friend who enjoys a more solo experience in WvWvW and seems to me the individual is very good at CnD and probably had good use of Haste as well. My thoughts now is it was someone who lives, breathes and eats PvP and knows how to use their skills in the most advantageous manner to maintain at least the appearance of long term stealth from my client’s point of view.

Longest stealth period....

in Thief

Posted by: NoxMaelstrom.1856


I ask because I have seen at least one player almost live in stealth..

Stealths, makes stealth attack, does burst and immediately re-stealths and if they get them down, the thief has time to finish them and escape while in stealth. I watched this happen several times to make sure I wasn’t mistaken. Mu guess is the stealth is going on close to 10 seconds or so.

My thief is in the mid-levels currently and my experience so far is four seconds for max stealth.

Where do I get Wool at 80?

in Crafting

Posted by: NoxMaelstrom.1856


You guys also made all regular (coin) vendor armor/weapons non-salvageable.

I really can’t see why either… if I want to buy 30 pieces of armor and salavage them for cloth, it’s MY money being wasted. There really isn’t much room for exploiting.

This would allow one to control the market via items bought outside of the market. Now if vendor prices adjusted based on the market (I believe UO did this) then it would be a different story.