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Fix Kormir's hair + nose job?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ntiruyogwa.5786


also i think that is helmet hair. see attached image of Kormir before she was a god

I don’t think it’s helmet hair if you look from the side.

You can see that’s an afro and she wears a tiara on the front.

Fix Kormir's hair + nose job?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ntiruyogwa.5786


Her statue and all the images shown in this thread looks exactly like she did in gw1. There is no need to change her ethnicity if it already matches her original character design.

Why are you so obsessed with changing her ethnicity? What does her skin color have to do with the content of her character?

First of all; ethnicity is not limited to skin color.
For example, an albino African person still looks African.
Physical traits such as nose, hair, cheekbones, prognathy, lips, chin, etc are much more defining to a person’s ethnicity than merely the color of their skin.

Secondly; the point isn’t to change the skin color, it still is a statue , but to return her face and hair to her original physical traits.
You say that it does ressemble her Guild Wars 1 shape, but does it really?

Compare these previously posted pictures.
Does the flat haired statue ressemble the kinky haired original Kormir?


Fix Kormir's hair + nose job?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ntiruyogwa.5786


I have a better idea:

Make Kormir look exactly the way she has always looked since gw1.

Wouldn’t that require a hair change and nose job then?

+1 for changing the statues appearance, it does not ressemble her true Elonan ethnicity.

Better afro hairstyles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ntiruyogwa.5786


Take a picture of Bob Marley or anyone with actual dreads and please pay attention to detail.

Somehow i very much doubt even Bob’s still sporting dreads…what with being dead and all.
Afros and dreads aren’t supposed to be photo realistic in-game – just the same as any other hairstyle isn’t.
It’d be like someone saying ‘the world of GW has 6 gods…but there’s only 1 in real life!’ and then asking them to change it accordingly.

Laughable? Excuse me, but none of the other haircuts, especially of humans, are unrealistic. They are pretty realistic haircuts. This has nothing to do with the gods of the GW realm, it’s not even comparable. It’s about being able to represent yourself in game. It sucks that I’ll never be able to make a character that resembles me a lot. The makers of Guild Wars 2 strived for optimal character customization, but the afro haircuts are a huge disappointment. If it’s not reasonable to ask to improve certain things, then why even have a suggestion forum?

Bob Marley’s dead, but didn’t I say a picture of him? Since pictures don’t change once you die.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ntiruyogwa.5786


I would love to play a Kodan. The Tengu are my second favorite.
ArenaNet make it happen!

Better afro hairstyles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ntiruyogwa.5786


Guild Wars has so far been the game for players wanting to customize their characters. I myself love exploring all these options, the dyes and armors are amazing.

The thing is when it comes to the character creation there’s kind of a let down. There are no realistic afro hairstyles. Compared to the very detailed flat haircuts, the dreadlocks look pasted on the head of the character. Here’s a few points about how real dreadlocks are.

1. Dreads are often dry so they don’t shine as much as other hair.

2. Dreads aren’t only attached on the top of your head, they’re attached on all sides.

3. The bits of your scalp you can see between the dreads normally has the same color as the dreads (the scalp in game is much lighter than the dreads for some reason).

4. Take a picture of Bob Marley or anyone with actual dreads and please pay attention to detail.

On to the next one. The afro. It is down right terrible. I have an afro in real life and many people do too. Anyone could tell that the in game ones don’t look realistic at all. There are a few simple changes that should be done to the afros to make them less of a mockery and more of an actual hairstyle.

1. Make them less round. This isn’t the seventies. A lot of the ball afros are wigs, a real afro doesn’t remain in pure spherical shape unless extreme amounts of hairspray are used.

2. Set them lower. If you look at actual afros, you’d see that most don’t fade into the neck. Sure, there’s slightly less hair in the back of the head but they don’t fade in to the neck that smoothly.

3. Afros leave space your ears. Although sometimes, for example with huge afros, it hangs a little over the ears. Like every other hair, it doesn’t grow on ears.

4. Afros aren’t smooth as eggs. While plenty of the other haircuts have meshes sticking out here and there, the afro is smooth. This is completely impossible, even for wigs. The core of an afro is dense but it becomes thinner towards the end, this leaves space in between meshes..

5. Afros don’t move as much as flat hair. This is a very important issue. You might not have noticed, but afros tend to stay in place. They don’t shake around much, even when swinging your head. But the afros in game fly around with each step; when jumping it literally moves position and flings backward. They look like a waterballoon was stitched to my characters skull and starts wobbling all over the place. Please change the motion, even no motion at all would be more realistic. It’s one of the main reason, if not the main reason, why afros in Guild Wars 2 are completely ridiculous.

6. Afros are often somewhat smaller than the afro in game.

7. Afros for women. Even though afros are worn by both and women, women have afros more often than men.

Conclusion: afros in game look terrible, no offense to the artist creating them but they look very rushed and cheap. Please heed my suggestion and remake the afros. Do not model them after wigs or Angela Davis’s afro. Take a look at regular afros or invite someone to model for a sketch, the staff must have some acquaintances of African origin? If all else fails, please google afros a bit more, look at a few celebrities with afros (e.g. Lenny Kravitz), compare and pay attention to detail. So far Koss (a character from Guild Wars 1) had the most realistic afro in game to date; it wasn’t great either, but it was a good start.

Please change the afros and dreadlocks since it doesn’t fit a game of such high quality as Guild Wars to implement cheaply designed afros and dreadlocks as they are now.

P.S.: Here’s a picture of what a typical (long) afro looks like (this isn’t me I just found this through Google)
