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It’s pretty action packed, at least on my server (JQ).
I’m on my third book as I read queueing up, and by the looks of next week i’ll be able to finish off the books I have on pre-order that are about to be released.
Could you please explain this? From what I have read, seen, and heard, a majority of MERC stayed on BG. If so, how is this a move “about the guild”?
It was a move about the guild, because our active commanders needed more support for our guilds playtime. A number of mercs were nearing burning out night after night covering multiple timezones. Basically from Sea all the way to EU time slots. This moves allows those who stayed with merc and transfered to carry less weight and focus more on our guilds core and our enjoyment factor. I can tell you being a merc has meant you carried a lot of weight.
So a pretty similar reason for moving from SOS to BG in the first place. Gee that worked out well didn’kitten
Just like your move off Yak’s Bend to SoS and then from SoS to SoR was only because you wanted to be on the winning server right? Surely there could be no other mitigating factors for people to move servers when it is so easy to just bad mouth them.
Sad to see this attitude from you when I would think you’d know better.
I have really enjoyed viewing your livestreams, your a pleasure to watch.
The WvW political climate has switched, JQ SEA focuses SoR now because of IRON trolls and other antics from SoR.
JQ and SoR did support one another at this time, but it is gone.
IRON has become a liability to SoR.
exactly. Sorry Indo/SOR, it’s not ur fault, we couldnt help you any longer. Waha has tried extremely hard to soothe JQer since last match-up, IRON was a huge troll even if there is a so called truce front of ppl. it’s like, mate you call us for help and some of your crew bite our butt, what’s going on, what do you really want?? Our NA bros were being trolled again, again and again; Waha announced ’that’s enough; that’s it. sorry Indo….’ on the 2nd day this match-up.
According to Waha, there is no other better/stronger guilds better than MERC from BG( well, I am guessing he is talking about MERC’s SEA force). They are much stronger than ATM in terms of coverage and size. He mentioned a few times he wont be happy to see if MERC left from BG and he believe the match-up will be too bored. Waha/ATM respect them hard and Waha doesnt give kitten to IRON at all.
Oh by the way, ‘IRON you messed up everything.’- this word isn’t from me, I am just a minion of ATM, I heard it from lots lots and lots other JQers, including Waha ATM.
The amusing part of that statement is most of SEA, ATM and MERC spend most of it avoiding each other.
Our SEA has focused SoR for a total of 2 weeks, please ask BG how many times our SEA was all over them. I am not here to argue but come on now, your judging everything based on 2 weeks.
I call it how I see it. Play your game, do your thing.
The problem with how you see it is that it’s just the micro-view of the much bigger picture.
To Indo’s philosophy I reply, with all due respect, that’s a rather immature view of competition. You can be feared but respected by your foes. But in light of some of the rampant trolling that takes place, I guess it goes to show how much influence one guy has on the whole population. The rest of us just have to suffer the noise
Consider the fact that half the BG guilds talk kitten about each other in /map chat regularly. I think Indo’s philosophy is probably the better one.
I’d rather be on the server that has a positive friendly community than the poisonous one where everyone went there just to win and people disrespect their own teammates.
Do what? Thanks for enlightening a group of Blackgate players (who are part of prominent Blackgate guilds) that this sort of thing goes on in wvw in the very server that we play on. We had no idea. Thankfully, we have someone from a different server with more knowledge of Blackgate than we do who can keep us up to date.
Denial is beautiful don’t get me wrong, but BG’s drama spills into SoR’s TS regularly.
I promise that my Blackgate connections are better than your Blackgate connections. I have no need for denial because Blackgate has grown as a community and if it isn’t apparent past the point of me mentioning it… then you can just see it however you would like.
Don’t even bother replying to him.
There are a few posters on these forums you can pretty much disregard anything they say as it’s just the usual broken record kitten stirring schoolyard antics almost every post, and that guy is one of the main ones.
Day in and day out it’s his usual “Wonk Wonk Wonk!”, sounding just like Charlie Brown’s teacher.
I heard BG is ticking at 0…incoming 2v1 whine posts!
I had a fun couple of hours. The lag in BG Garrison was almost surreal.
Some days your on top, some days your taking a beating. I’m glad JQ is back in this tier again, it makes an across the board fun brawl.
Best of luck to SoR and JQ in the coming days, i’m certainly having a good time.
It is true, JQ is the kingmaker, they can decide who takes first. And BG knows it as you can tell by all the sucking up they are doing and also trying to create some type of hate between SoR and JQ, even though it’s widely known that only exists between BG and SoR.
Quite frankly, if JQ wanted , they could take first place because they know SoR focuses BG so much. If JQ wanted, they could take second place because they know SoR focuses BG so much.
Only time JQ will come in last is if they just focus SoR.
You sound bitter
When doesn’t he?
See I think much of the SOR commentary has come in response to the clear trolling by BG posters including commanders.
Its a vicious circle so we should all take a step back and even counsel those on our own servers against trolling.
Don’t worry about it mate.
Some use these threads to blow off steam, aim a bit of good natured sledging at the other sides, or just let complete strangers know what a clown they are in real life.
150 odd chests opened.
I think the 1 pink quaggan backpack I got out of it was the only thing that even registered on my “oh, that’s kind of nice” radar.
For the love of God can those black lion harvesting tools please be stacked? Even deleting them is a pain in the bum.
I am responding to you a little out of context given you were responding to someone else. Anyways….
I transferred over when SoR was 17th from JQ which was #1 or #2 at the time. I wanted both a challenge and the ability to play with my guild mates instead of sitting in 3 hour queues every night. The biggest influx to SoR from other sources came around that time as well. Myself and others didn’t choose SoR because it was pwning face (it wasn’t then), we chose SoR because of the story behind the server and its extremely loyal community.
It is only natural for people to have a bad taste in their mouth when guilds bandwagon from losing servers to winning servers. Even more true when it happens within tier as has been known to occur once in a while. I think this is an understandable and natural reaction.
Ideally, it would be nice if we all could have equal coverage at all times of the day to ensure competitiveness. Unfortunately, this just isn’t reality with the way this game is setup. Personally though, I wouldn’t be one to bandwagon to a winning server, I would be the person transferring to the underdog. More action and more people to kill when you are always fighting uphill.
I’ve transferred twice now.
Once to try to find a healthy population in my timeslot (Oceanic) where it wasn’t just me and 1-2 others defending towers against 30 man zergs night after night, and the second time because my current guild decided to transfer and I felt i’d found a home with them.
I don’t have any real bitterness for transfers, mainly because this a game people play for fun. If your not having fun then trying another server is as good as a holiday, and might reinvigorate your zest for wvw. Yes it does suck in the middle of a match up, but there’s nothing you can really do about it.
I was just quoting the SoR transfers back then as I am sick of hearing this bs “x server bribed x amount of guilds” crap thrown about here. You gave good reasons for moving, and I certainly didn’t come to BG because my guild was “bought out”.
For those that transfer to the top server for the sole reason to farm because of superior numbers, I don’t agree with it, but if that is how they have fun then so be it.
24 / 7 equal coverage would be great, but as you say, it is not a reality.
moral lesson of the thread. Do not pay guilds to transfer. Money makes the world go round, but the faster they get there, the sooner they leave.
And for the nth time. GvGs are good and awesome, but please if people start whining because someone disrupts their so-called event, please do consider there is no such game-mode available for you as of now. Thank you.
Strange you should say that.
I remember being on Yak’s Bend the last time SoR was in that lower tier and seeing a massive influx of transfers to their server ingame whilst on the forums they pretty much denied / downplayed it.
Yet here they are in tier 1.
Apparently since guilds only transfer if they get paid, how much have SoR had to shell out for their current numbers of guilds, or JQ for that matter?
Seriously, give the whole “server x paid for their transfers” thing a rest.
Why are all y’all on SoS.
Oceanics generally play on NA servers, and SoS has a healthy population for my generalized playtime hours.
I’ve always (living in Australia) gotten far better connections to NA servers than EU ones.
EU servers are about as far away from me as you can put them.
Hey guys, just used SpeedTest to ping the data centers in Seattle closest to ArenaNet in Bellevue and got 500ms ping and less than 1Mps speeds?
Lost of the other US sites are a bit choppy from Australia as well but that seemed to be the worst. Not sure where the problem lies but at least the tells me why I’m not getting what I should.
I’ve done the same test several times and the results are fluctuating from 212ms – 226ms ping up to 412-438 ping and 4.13mbps – 4.37mbps down to .56mbps and then up and down again.
Sea of Sorrows for me. I’ve given up on wvw for today as the lag is the worst i’ve ever seen it. Even pve is almost unplayable with constant disconnects and massive server lag. Everything was fine yesterday, but today is like nothing i’ve ever encountered.
I’m experiencing it also on Sea of Sorrows. Are you getting several minutes lag spikes?
Basically yes. I watched myself die, get rezzed, die, get rezzed, die, get rezzed then die again all in about 5 seconds after a 30 second freeze. Ported back to repair my broken gear and ran back to find the zone event over with zero credit lol.
Constant freezing, rubberbanding and disconnects. No other online game is having this problem for me atm, so will give it a break and do something else to see if it fixes itself later on.
Am in Australia and my friends online in gw2 are having similiar issues.
Sea of Sorrows for me. I’ve given up on wvw for today as the lag is the worst i’ve ever seen it. Even pve is almost unplayable with constant disconnects and massive server lag. Everything was fine yesterday, but today is like nothing i’ve ever encountered.
Just like to thank the good people from Maguuma for the moose on moose meeting at SW camp just before on their Borderlands.
I had absolutely no idea how or what to bring to fight in that moose form, so I do apologize if it was very noobish, but was nice to take some time out and have some fun with the other side.
At no stage was I attacked, so big /salute, /bow and /cheer from this Yak, you have my respect.
Look forward to seeing you on the field.
*(i’ll try and get that wooden plank so I can actually do something next time lol)