Showing Posts For Numu Boltar.6105:
“guys GW2 is really good at the moment” – sorry, but i see too many “see you later”-posts from my long playing guildmates, that contradicts your opinion.
@Adry nice summary of my thoughts.
Why someone would buy GW2 to whine about the lack of trinity when ARENANET ADVERTISEMENT HIS GAME FOR YEARS SAYING GW2 WOULD NOT HAVE A TRINITY?
also no mindless grind, a meaningful story and that the player feels that he is the hero.
It anet change all the other things, why not the trinity ?
What should I do before this event ends?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Numu Boltar.6105
my tipp : just enjoy the game – the rewards for mindless farming require perhaps a bit more time, than you have currently.
The only way I can tell that the game is “losing players” is because I can’t go through a thread without comments from people who “stopped logging months ago”.. but that for some reason still complain in these forums every hamster day.
Hope dies very slowly
The LS was the solution from anet for new content i needed to keep playing. I quit.
OP – most friendly players have left the game – what do you expect ?
I played the storyinstance yesterday for the first time. This Instance could have been greate if
a) it has been there right from the the beginning of the LS-Updates
b) there was a quest to collect the items to investigage ( without achievmentpoints for that ). Maybe one item behind a champ for the farmers.
In the current presentation it’s only a variation of Cookie Clicker.
I wait for an expansion, which kills the zergs, rewards grinding only with better looking items, allow my guild to play more things together, allow my necro to play more roles in combat, features a very compelling story, allow me to discover even more storyelements if i choose to look for them, allow me to replay “temporary” events ( excluding hollidays, etc ), allow me to play content with an optional harder mode.
Just the usual things, i guess.
How many players are in your guild, who a playing the game since release ?
People love to zerg and Anet delivers zerg contents. Everyone happy….
Marionette is the opposite of zerg content actually- don’t know about wurm since I haven’t tried him yet.
OP I consider myself a casual player, I do enjoy different types content but I will simply not waste my time to farm for Ascended anything,
That said just because you are casual does not mean unskillful.Why do you not try these new bosses and see for yourself?
Marrionette is one of the best designed encounters if not the best in the game- it is tonnes of fun too.If you do not like this kind of thing however- don’t worry Anet is very aware that their player base mostly consist of casual players.
There was a quote recently that specifically stated that this update ( wurm ) was a nod to people who enjoy harder content and do not mind failing until they succeed.
This patch do also contain great story and once you get into Scarlet’s lair- the mystery gets very interesting
90% waiting before a laserwall – during which you have to zerg.
10% fighting a boss with some other random players with some new mechaniks.
sorry. but the 90% vastly overpower the last 10% :/
People love to zerg and Anet delivers zerg contents. Everyone happy….
not everyone :C
Events that have happened since Scarlet was introduced that don’t revolve around her: Super adventure box, Tequatl, Halloween, Fractals, and Wintersday. One of which is a helpful Asuran invention and one is a peaceful humorous side task.
Sorry, but SAB/Halloween are currently not playable. The Bossfight with Tequatl needs a membership in a big guild – and Fractals are in a complete different ballpark.
PS. I don’t mean to reduce your fun with the game, but i hope anet will change the direction of the game in the future.
Good for you, that the hole event at the Marionette challenges you, and you’re getting your fun out of it. I hope this will not change for you.
You mean the Zerg-Events ? Sorry, that kind of gameplay (mindless rushing) is not for me.
The problem is people are being toxic in a starter area for the most common race.
New players get impression this is what GW2 is about.
I currently think, that the train is perfect to newcomers. It’s showcasing the Endgamecontent and WvW very well.
“1-4 exotics per 2.5 hours” – is this just me – or is this just a liddle bit too high for a single player droprate ? If i remember correctly, my droprate would be 1 exotic per 5-8h.
It will reach many “non active” players over the internetz and guess what that might lead to?
in my case:
a) come to the forum/reddit to find ANYTHING good about the new update.
b) can’t find anything.
c) leave until next.
Just keep putting new dialog into the LS. This is currently my only reason to play this game anymore. And I played this patch many times more, than any of the last patches.
I would be very pleased, if you could also add dynamic events with stories attached to them. It would be like playing GW2 again.
In my opinion, the game is currently mostly populated by people who need to acquire something very fast ( read Farmer ) – more goldseller : that’s no surprise at all.
Currently i’m just coming back a couple times a month. Just to see some guildies again, while Anet creates more Zergfests. I’m a liddle bit sad for the currently playing folks, and hope the last remaining good folks in my guild don’t transform to mindless drones. We had so much fun with the content since release. sniff
there is much truth in this comments – sadly but true. some where in the past it was a nice hobby – but not anymore.