Showing Posts For Nuri Wurm.2496:

Sigil of Renewal

in Guardian

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

I don’t understand if these sigils stack. Like if I have a mace and a shield equipped together would the heal be twice as much for nearby alllies?

New WvW colors

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

Yeah put them back to the old colors. These are too bright. Someone has too much time on their hands; give them another project.

The new conditionmancer (guide)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

This is my favorite Necro build to date. It does work well in WvW although I bet Nemesis comes up with something even better for WvW later. It is balanced and while not tanky you can stay alive; it will flip camps solo nicely.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

I’m glad your moving in this direction because the Death Shroud/Life Force is what a necromancer should be all about and mostly it seems almost incidental to most builds.

Help me learn how to wvw!

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

And just jump in and start playing. I think a lot of people are hesitant to try WvW because they don’t know what to do. You pick it up quickly and the mistakes you make are not a big deal.

Ideas for Dolyak Mastery

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

YES we need Doly Mastery

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

No escorting dolys is not the most exciting thing, however getting supply in as fast as possible for keep upgrades is important. There should be rewards and there should be enhancements that you earn. Supply is taken for granted too often.

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

I have been really frustrated at times by being outclassed by other servers. Now I know many FA people will not like me to imply that TC is better lol. But we all know they are good.

I remember one night on FA when TC had our entire borderland and then they set up trebs at the spawn to the northern camp and lobbed rotten cows at us and when ever we came out slaughtered us. I was so angry- raging really.

This week we have TC and JQ. When it is unbalanced I think our idea of success has to become any little thing you can accomplish despite the odds. And we should celebrate the little victories. I think if we can have that mindset instead of constant focus on the fairness of the match it brings the fun back. Sometimes what you see when you are outclassed and loosing is players just becoming hypercritical of the each other and total frustration.

What I was really glad to see yesterday when we lost some hard fought real estate was that the FA commanders really said “good job” to everyone even though we didn’t win the objective. We did as good as we could at the time.

(edited by Nuri Wurm.2496)

WvW Ranks - Yak Slapper

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

One of the thankless but necessary tasks that I feel got overlooked in the Ranks system is escorting Yak supply to keeps. I think you should add a Yak Slapper rank. Maybe it could allow you to maintain speed buffs longer on yaks or protect them better, or maybe the yaks would carry more supply when escorted… you get the idea.

WvW population issue summed up in one picture

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

Maybe the player rewards for disadvantaged servers should be increased.

I don’t know what ANET would be willing to do but the only way someone is going to leave a big server and move down to equalize things I think is if they were compensated in some significant fashion.

It might also encourage the players who don’t try WvW to give it a shot.

Personally I don’t think there is enough mentoring going on for people who don’t know how to play WvW. Also what is ANET doing to encourage PVE players to give it a shot.

And the way some of key guilds that keep WvW going on our server look down their noses at us PUGs who play I think also discourages play. Nobody wants to be disparaged or yelled at and it happens too often.

(edited by Nuri Wurm.2496)

Steam Punk Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

I like the new steam punk armor you introduced and was transmuting some of my weapons to the steam weapon skins to match. I notice the weapon icons look better than the actual weapons which often look unfinished having a rather dull finish vs the shiny on on the icon. I think you should spruce up the steam weapon looks. For example the axe make it shiny like the icon.


WvW Chores

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

I think everyone would agree that winning in WvW requires more than just ganking people, yet I think Arena Net rewards killing other players more than the “chore” activities that support your team. I think there should be more incentive to do things like run supply to repair, refresh siege, place siege, and what about builds that support other players rather than directly kill? I admit I am somewhat of a noob in WvW but I do think the game incentives are stilted towards high damage gank builds and zerging around collecting badges.