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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oaknheart.4381


Try going into your Bios and disabling Intel Speed Step Tech. I found disabling this let my cpu run at max (i7 960 @ 3.2) without the system scaling it down when it decided to. My fps went from being all over the place as low as 10 (high as 70) to a more consistent 50-70fps ( I was using a Raedon 6870 1gb card )

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oaknheart.4381


Figured Id toss in my 2 cents.
This is what helped my fps (just upgraded to a 660ti 3gb from a 6870 1gb)

1) disableIntel Speed Stepping in your Bios. I found this to be the main issue with frame rate jumps as the system was not running my cpu cores at max (or would bounce around in speeds depending what was being rendered) This was a huge benefit to me game wise (years ago i forgot I had the same issue with Wow and fps, disabling it in the bios helped then too)

2) you can set GW2.exe to run its process as above normal in your task manager. Make sure ’Show all processes from all users" is clicked and right click GW2.exe / Set Priority and select ? – I chose high. I am unsure if this helps or takes away from performance as of yet

3) regarding the black screen when loading the game, I found if I had my graphics cards application tuner running (in this case Galaxys Extreme Tuner the game would only load 1 outta 10 to 20 times without a black screen) Stopping this from running and I have not had a black screen load or crash since.

4) shadows. They can still really hurt fps. Lower them or even better turn them off if needed. I would rather be able to play at a decent fps then see a shadow on every little surface.

5) This game is very cpu bound, so having a decent processor really helps (4ghz + I have read and still people are getting only mediocre fps on high end systems)

For the record I am running a i7 960 @ 3.2ghz / 6 gigs of 1600mhz mem (tri-channel) with a Galaxy GTC 660ti 3gb card and am now avg 50-70fps with everything maxed out but on a older 19" display (1440×900 res boo)

I have vsync on (as I find it evens out the dips when turning) and left my fps limit to unlimited in options.

Only time I dip below 40 is when I turn rapidly or when a new areas are rendering
In all honesty, my ATI XFX 6870 1gb ran this game smooth at 40fps no issues.

(edited by Oaknheart.4381)