Showing Posts For Obiwhan.1236:

SE path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Obiwhan.1236


Wipe….. No “TACTIC” should include wiping…. The point is that path is so KITTENED its maddening

My opinion of game design.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Obiwhan.1236


Yes but +5 agony only useful in FoTM, other stats are useful everywhere….., and it probably is pink

My opinion of game design.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Obiwhan.1236


So last night FoTM Daily Chest….. all 5 of us in group got the daily at same time. 2 of us, a necromancer, and myself a warrior got ascended rings from the daily chest! I saw the purple name and was like yes!!! Only 1 problem…… I got the offensive condition damage ring that the necro wanted… and he got the Toughness, Vitality defensive ring I wanted.

I have absolutely no reason to keep that ring, I wont run a condition build on my warrior, and I dont lvl alts. Sell it you say?? Nope game wont let me…. oh wait, yea I can vendor it for 4s….so pathetic? Trade it to necro for other ring…. nope game wont let me.

So now I have a piece of Kitten Garbage, taking up a bank slot. Can you in right mind vendor your first purple piece, even if you cant use it?

Pathetic, Sad, Game Design.

Ectos poised to skyrocket

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obiwhan.1236


I wouldn’t bet on market coming down to previous lvls anytime soon. They have increased the damand for the material, and the drop rates have stayed the same……

Fractals, fracturing Guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Obiwhan.1236


The problem with the system is its current design, progression leads to greater rewards, however progression is limited by the lowest lvl in the group. Now I really dont see a huge issue, as you need a kitten ton of tokens for back piece, so running lower lvl factals doesn’t bother me at all. However, in the event I would like to progress….

Fractal lvls should scale to the highest member, which wouldn’t segragate the community and allow casuals to join in. The key is they only get credit for completing the fractal lvl they are currently at, however rewards would be for the fractal they are currently running.

Hopefully that all makes sense, that way ALL players advance their progression equally, chance for loot at higher tiers is possible for ALL, and there wouldn’t be this mass segragation you’re seeing now. Everyone wins, hardcore players get their loot chance and still progress, casual players get to play with their friends(also get a shot a decent loot and progression), and we wont have segregated groups within guilds or communities. A caveat to that, if you are running a higher tier than you progressed to, you daily chest reward should reflect your current tier. So in this system if a lvl 2 fractal person, is running fractal lvl 12 with his buddies. ALL mob drops would be for fractal lvl 12, however the chest drops scale to his lvl 2 progression. The beauty is that at the end of run, his friends are at lvl 13 and he is at lvl 3, everyone progresses, everyone can participate, everyone gets loots, and to get to the higher tier is just a matter of continuing to run the dungeon successfully. Instead of trying to find 4 other people that are at your progression level.


(edited by Obiwhan.1236)

Devs: One Time Event Chain

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obiwhan.1236


I understand that this content will only be available on this day and for a few hours, however aside from experiencing the content is there some other one time achievement or title associated with experiencing this content?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/23

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Obiwhan.1236


Sorrow’s Embrace, you people have finally managed to destroy that dungeon…….

Path 1 is just flat out un-doable, mobs spawn too fast and you cant kill them fast enough. Plus there are too many to keep kitting.

Path 2 is ok….until you get to the last boss ( not to mention it takes years to just get there ), but you finally get to boss and you cant survive long enough to kill them….. There is a limit to how many times you can dodge, however not to how many times he shoots you….. so again fail. Just spent 2 hours just trying to clear last boss, was unable to do it…

Path 3 is at least doable, but takes forever as well.

Considering this dungeon is the only one with stats I want, its pretty upsetting to see you guys have completely destroyed this place. Not to mention the Halloween Chest fiasco….

Suggestions, play test your changes before you integrate them into your games?
When you run your dungeon, does it seem fun to you?

Please fix Sorrow’s Embrace

(edited by Obiwhan.1236)