Showing Posts For OldMarine.6857:

Boon Duration doesn't change.

in Guardian

Posted by: OldMarine.6857


I have a couple sets of armor. One for support that has a total of 97% increase in boon duration and also a set of Berserka armor for dps with no addition boon duration. My Attributes menu on the right shows everything changing when I change my gear except for the boon duration which shows 20% all the time. When I first made this set it use to increase up to about 60 to 65%. Is anyone else having this issue?

Retribution is beyond broken right now [Merged thread]

in Personal Story

Posted by: OldMarine.6857


Tried it tonight for an hour. The Vets are L61 and all Vet npc mobs are L61. When trying to kill the Vet, you get totally jumped on by at least 10 and no way to keep away from them and fight the vet. Just got a big repair bill out of it. Have done this two other times with no problem. As others have said, “Frustrated”