Showing Posts For OneMaxedKitten.8605:
I wish we had birds that actually could fly, and not bee on an invisible grounded leash.
Also pets that could jump down instead of taking the marathon length walk around a mountain.As a new pet:
- “Nagini” snake
- Vulture
- Lion
- Whale
- Rhino
The flying idea is great! I still wonder why my Eagle can’t reach an enemy on the wall of a keep etc. – it really annoys me that some of our potential damage just isn’t happening.
Doesn’t have to be Christmasy, just a pet you think would be cool.
Personally I would like to get a Jackalope or bunny that F2 skill is a knockdown. I’m sure a few of you will know what I mean.
Sounds like a good idea. We’d need quite a few people to take part in this, but if there’s a chance to get a precursore, then I’m in!
Pets that would only spawn during/after an event
E.G. Jackalope in Wayfarer Foothills
I lub jackalopes