Showing Posts For Onineko.5943:

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onineko.5943


“Use all” option would be helpful in much more situation than only essence of luck. It’s also about karma (as Windu The Forbidden One.6045) said, also good for daily feasts and whats most important (imo) – 100’000 drinks.
Same think is about buying for example potions from dungeon merchant or alcohol from karma vendor. Clicking thousands of times is not what most of people enter GW2 for.
And before Ronah.2869 answer same as in 1st reply – it’s about suggest something that would make the game better, not find a reason to quit it.

Make Town Clothes craftable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onineko.5943


Same as Sylvari “town clothes” are just like evolved, same the tier armors (and TA armors) might be considered as. Thats fantastic and I love that idea.
About making town clothes craftables, I also wonder to have, atleast 1 per every proffesion (tailor, lw and armorsmith), but I afraid this kind of clothes is reserved for gemstore, and more of them will show up during incomming events (like halloween).