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[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

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Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

@Rainyman.6487 I sent you an ingame mail, look forward to playing with you here soon.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

That’s your opinion

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

@Booms, Mesmer is actually very viable in the meta, if you know how to play it correctly and position yourself it can be extremely deadly.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Still looking for a few active and willing players to finish up the team comp.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

We are still looking for a Warrior, Mesmer, and Engi. If you’re interested please contact me via replying to this post or an ingame mail

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

@ Billionaire, Sent you a mail in game, hope to hear from you soon.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I think your playtime conflict with ours, We would be practicing around 7:30AM EST which would be 4:30AM for you.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Sounds good, sent you a mail ingame

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] New Team: Sérious Business [SB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Team Name: Sérious Business [SB]

Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to look at the thread. As it states above I am creating a team, not only to boost leader board rankings but to compete in the various GW2 tPvP tournaments.

I’m looking for players with around 500 games played in their respected profession and have a good understanding about team play and the mechanics of their profession and where it sits in a team.

Teamspeak 3 is and always will be a requirement. Communication is key to achieving victory and progressing not only as a team but as a player, and also 4-5 team practices a week, as well as going over strats and such.

We do have our OWN TeamSpeak3 Server, and you will be required to be in it and have a working mic during Team Practice or meetings

Things we don’t want are people who bring drama, who will start inner team quarrel and bring not only our morale down but bring our success fullness as a team down and everyone perform lower than they can.

Currently I am able to play either Warrior or Thief (I prefer Thief but have no issues playing Warrior if someone has more experience or is a superior Thief than I am)

So for team composition.

Team Composition is subject to change

Guardian (Position Filled)
Thief (Position Filled)
Engi (Position Filled)

The times we would practice or have a team meeting would be around 7:30AM EST until 10:30AM EST (Times are flexible but this would be best) If you are having a problem trying to determine when this time is for your timezone, it is based on -5 GMT

If you’re interested please mail me in-game or simply reply to this thread, I look forward to playing with you all very soon.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

(edited by OpTic Stealthy.9214)

[NA] Multiple Professions [OCX/EU Hours]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Hey everyone, as the above topic states I can play a few professions very well in a team environment.

Mainly (Warrior) Axe/Shield & Hammer

Second (Thief) Sword/Dagger & Shortbow

Third (Elementalist) Dagger/Dagger

Fourth (Guardian) Staff & Mace/Shield or Greatsword & Sword/Focus -I can play either Bunker or DPS variant.

The professions are in order of which I am most comfortable playing in a team setting. I have the most experience with Warrior and Thief, though I can play the others very well in a team setting.

Also I am only willing to join a team that has constant access to TeamSpeak3 (This is a must) I duo que with a friend and communication is key.

If you’re interested in getting me in your team or setting up a team, please whisper me ingame or send me a mail ingame.

My time of play is 10AM (SERVER TIME) until sometimes 4PM (SERVER TIME) which drops me in the OCX (Oceanic) and EU (European) timezones of play.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

LF SEA/OCX WvW Guild -Will XFER- Non T1

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I am still looking for a guild/server to transfer to once Seasons is over.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

LF SEA/OCX WvW Guild -Will XFER- Non T1

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I am still looking for an active OXC/SEA WvW based guild that is not Tier 1.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

LF SEA/OCX WvW Guild -Will XFER- Non T1

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

i currently reside on Jade Quarry, but once this WvW Season Tourney is over with I would like to transfer down to a new server, something T2-T4, I am in the OCX/SEA time frame. I’m looking to find a WvW established guild to join and become a part of. Being in T1 has taught me a lot of things, but it surely isn’t the best place to be.

I have plenty of characters geared for WvW, be it my Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer or Thief; I have plenty I can bring to the table.

I also do High end fractals 40+ and do enjoy some sorts of PvE and a lot of PvP

If you think you may have what I’m looking for, please send me a mail ingame.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[JQ] LF SEA/OCX [PvX Guild]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Still actively looking for a 2nd guild to call home

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[JQ] LF SEA/OCX [PvX Guild]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Greetings everyone, I reside on the Jade Quarry server, and was looking to find myself a secondary guild, one I can REP and take part in when I am not raiding with my WvW guild [MERC]. I’m looking for a guild that does high end scale fractals [40-50] and one that does dungeons as well.

I’m an English speaking American player, but my work schedule puts my playtime into the SEA/OCX timezone. I don’t as for much from a guild besides activity. There is no point in joining a guild of 400+ people if only 5 are on at any given time. I would like to join one that does GM’s and also has a means of communication for either GM’s or PvP so TS3 would be another thing I’m looking for as well.

A little but about me;

I’m 22 years old, and I work 10pm-7am EST 5 nights a week. In my spare time I am an avid weight lifter and trainer.

Gaming wise for GW2 I have 3 characters level 8; A warrior (My Main), a guardian, and a Mesmer. Currently I am working on a thief who is currently level 41 (leveling in EOTM) and he will more than likely become my main. I spent 6 years on GW1 and my main profession was Assassian. I’ve just finally came around to liking Thief in GW2.

My warrior does have full ascended armor, all trinkets except earrings, and 1 weapon (Greatsword). Though I will be working on a few other weapons for him, I will also be treating my Thief to the same things as well.

The only other game I really play is Counter Strike: Global Offensive, its just a get away if I get too burned out on GW2.

But if your interested in having and meet my parameters and don’t require full 100% REP, please feel free to contact me ingame or send me a private message via the forums.


The ONLY time I will not REP your guild is if I am in WvW with MERC, other than that I will REP your guild. Please understand that I am extremely loyal to my WvW guild. I have been with them for over a year, I just wish to branch off and do other things as well when I am not in WvW

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

LF FoTM Guild & Guild Missions

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I’m still looking for a guild

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

LF FoTM Guild & Guild Missions

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I’ve been in GW2 for over a year now, I have 3 level 80 characters, A Warrior, Guardian, and Mesmer. My warrior is my bread and butter for anything PvE (he has 40 AR) and soon to be 70 as soon as I make my last piece of ascended armor.

The only thing I have as requirements for me to join a guild are, no 100% REP. I will rep when I am doing FoTM with guild mates or guild missions, but if I am not, then I will rep my main guild MERC.

I’m on the JQ server, but that doesn’t really matter considering the “Megaservers” and also my timezone is considered SEA/OCX. I’m generally on from 11:00 AM servertime until about 4:00 PM server time, feel free to mail me ingame “Tiberius Ironfist” because I don’t check the forums that often.

Thanks again for reading.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

LF (OCX/SEA) Hardcore WvW Guild -Any Server-

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

As this states in the lower sections I am currently on JQ

As the title says I am looking to joing a WvW Focused (HARDCORE) Guild on any server, I have always been in T1 servers, so I am use to running guild builds, being in TS, map hopping, pretty much everything WvW related and I do have a little experience of Commanding back when TC was T2.

I specifically want a server that has good to decent coverage timezone coverage in OXC/SEA/EU, it doesn’t have to be total domination but I don’t want to get face rolled by map blobs and stand 0 chance of doing anything. That being said I am currently on Jade Quarry but for my own reasons (they can be discussed if necessary) I would like to move away from them. I have been on TC (Where I started) Moved to BG, then to JQ so I am very familiar with Tier 1 and all it comes with. BUT I do not necessarily want to be in a T1 Guild/Server I am open to many others that would wish to have me, I can cover my own transfer though if you’d like to help it would be greatly appreciated.

Feel free to send me a PM or mail ingame and add me, my IGN is OpTic Stealthy.9214

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

PvE Guild on JQ [Any Server for FoTM/Dungeon]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I’m looking for a PvE main focused guild on the JQ server preferably, but if you mainly do Dungeons and FoTM [Not Hardcore] I can easily join a guild on another server.


1.) Does NOT require 100% REP as I am in MERC (a huge WvW Guild that I WILL REP during ANY WvW or Training)

2.) Not super hardcore about Dungeons or FoTM (My play hours are varying)

3.) No immature internet warriors and constant flaming of other guildies


7 Year GW1 Vet

Main a Guardian and Warrior, but I do have various experience when using a Thief, and Mesmer (PvP Purposes)

My two level 80’s are a Guardian and Warrior, who both have 15-20 AR, which allows me to easily do up to 19 in FoTM

I have done all AC Paths, and CoF Paths, though it has been a while since I’ve done them avidly. I am willing to learn any dungeon and all the paths no matter what.

IF your interested in letting me join, please send me a mail in game, or a PM on here, if you feel the need go ahead and post your recruitment threads as well, I’ll more than likely sift through them as well

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Lvl 80 Guard/War LF Fractal/Dungeon Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Still looking for a guild

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Lvl 80 Guard/War LF Fractal/Dungeon Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

JUST TO CLARIFY, my play time would have started an hour ago and will continue for another 4-5 hours.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Lvl 80 Guard/War LF Fractal/Dungeon Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Still looking for a guild

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Lvl 80 Guard/War LF Fractal/Dungeon Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Hey everyone, I’ve been around GW2 for a while now and I’ve mainly dabbled in PvP and WvW, but I have been wanting to gear my characters full in Ascended gear, which requires multiple fractal runs, crafting and such and I was looking for a guild who partakes in these types of things. Considering its Fractal and or Dungeon based guild, I myself have +20 agony resistance on my Guardian (Warrior has 0) so I am easily able to do up to Scale 19. I am also interested in the Dungeons AC & TA For armor and weapons. The server the guild is on necessarily doesn’t matter because you don’t have to be on the same server to do Fractals or Dungeons so I won’t have to transfer over., + I still do like to rep my WvW guild whenever I am in WvW, but will willingly rep your guild when doing PvE related things, if your interested in having me please feel free to send me a message ingame to OpTic Stealthy.9214 my general hours of playtime are 7am EST until 2PM EST (on nights that I work) and 7am EST to 2PM EST then 11PM est until 2PM EST (on nights I have off)

So please if your interested in having me feel free to message me ingame. Hope to see you all soon.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Blackgate Recruiting SEA, Euro, and Oceanic

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I transferred to Beast Gate from Tarnished Coast about a week ago for more competitive WvW fights, and boy did I make the right decision.

This isn’t just a server; its a community, and even more than that its a brotherhood.

If you want amazing open field fights, great commanders, and overall a great WvW experience then BG is the server for you. Be it new or a veteran, we welcome everyone.

-Proud Member of -Black Lion Mercenary – MERC

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] Transferring to SoR or BG (WvW) ONLY

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214


STILL LOOKING FOR A SoR or BG guild to join upon my transfer to either SERVER

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

(SoR or BG) Looking for HARDCORE WvW Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I currently reside in TC, which is composed of mainly NA prime time, I am on EST (Eastern Standard Time) but my play hours aren’t the same as the NA prime time, I play generally from 7:30AM EST – 1PM EST.

I also do play sPvP a lot and am looking for a team as well, so a guild that has a good large player pull for a Prime Time and a good PvP presences is exactly what I’m looking for.

I am looking for a server & guild that can give me the WvW I’ve been craving, I do have a commander tag, though fairly new at commanding I do know how to follow and learn, my main class is a guardian and I am close to “mastering” it.

I will transfer to either SoR or BG, I do have WvW experience, obviously but I am really looking for a guild around my time of play for a Prime Time, and not a small one either, a long lengthy HUGE prime time, filled with Teamspeak 3, or which ever VOIP a guild uses, with nothing but commands/call outs/skills.

I DO NOT LIKE TO RUN HAVOC GROUPS; I prefer the big skirmishes; Server VS Server matches, not 5v3, 5v5, and so on and so on.

If you think you’re right for me, please mail me ingame. That is the best way to contact me

Please only contact me if your serious about me joining your guild, also please note what server you are on please

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] Transferring to SoR or BG (WvW) ONLY

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214




Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] Transferring to SoR or BG (WvW) ONLY

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

BUMP, still looking.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] Transferring to SoR or BG (WvW) ONLY

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

I have mailed you ingame, feel free to reply when you have the spare time.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] Transferring to SoR or BG (WvW) ONLY

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214


I am still actively looking for a new guild, I have had a few offers but I have declined them, still looking for a place to call home.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

[NA] Transferring to SoR or BG (WvW) ONLY

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Have been playing the GW series for almost 8 years (7 years on GW1)

My general playtime is;

7:30AM EST- 1PM EST (on nights I work)
11PM EST- 7AM EST (on nights I’m off)

I am looking for a PRIME TIME around the area of 7AM EST until about 2PM EST; If you are not able to offer this, then I am not the right player for you

Current Characters -

EX Specter- Commander Tag |Guardian Class|Level 80
Càptàin Áméricá -New Character- (Will be MAIN) |Guardian Class|

*I also have 3 other character slots taken, PvP characters. Those will always depend on the current “meta’s”

I have experience in leading WvW, experience leading on Teamspeak 3 as well, very motivated and active GW2 player, I enjoy WvW and sPvP.

Experienced in running Havoc Groups, or leading a very large “Zerg” I do and always will have and use my own seige “always superior”.

I do dabble in some PvE but it’s not my favorite, but I will be increasing my PvE playtime as I will be gearing up for T6 and soon to be T7 materials for the new release of ascended weapons/armor.

I do dungeons as well, I use to be hardcore into CoF; Path 1 & 3 and Also AC; All Paths, But I do wish to branch off and learn and run them all.

I am willing to help others, people who are newer to the game, but what I am looking for is not necessarily a huge 400+ guild, because 75% of those people are inactive.

What I am looking for on the other hand is a guild that needs experienced players, one that may need commanders for WvW, one that does a lot of sPvP and tPvP. But more importantly, an active guild, you don’t have to be huge…. just be active… have over 50+ people constantly on. Thats what I’m looking for.

Also I am willing to offer a TeamSpeak3 server for any guild that I choose to join if it’s needed, I am also willing to transfer servers as well, I currently reside in TC or Tarnished Coast.

But please, above all else. I just want activity in WvW and sPvP/tPvP

Please don’t waste my time with small guilds of 10 members, I am willing to help build a guild up, but I do not want to have the entire responsibility of recruiting, and spreading the word.

If I wanted to do that I would simply create my own guild in another server and take my chances, that may seem mean and harsh but I’m looking for a place that is already pretty established and can use my experience as an advantage.

ALSO I am interested in GvG, I personally have not done any in GW2; But I am willing to learn and partake in it, so if you offer GvG, WvW, and sPvp/tPvP don’t hesitate to contact me*****

If you are interested in me joining, feel free to mail me, add me and pm me or contact me on the forums.

When contacting me please specify what server you are from, be it either BG or SoR; these are the ONLY two servers I am interested in joining, so if you are reading this and are from another server, not to sound harsh but this post isn’t for you


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

(edited by OpTic Stealthy.9214)

[NA] Looking for or creating a sPvP team

in Looking for...

Posted by: OpTic Stealthy.9214

OpTic Stealthy.9214

Ingame name: OpTic Stealthy.9214

Main Class; Guardian

Potential Classes; (Still learning) Necromancer, Mesmer, Ranger

Practice Times: 7:30 AM EST-1PM EST on days I work, on days off. 10PM EST – 7AM EST

Experience: Previous experience in PvP from GW1, newer to GW2 but learning quickly, I have no problem learning any build or class that anyone needs, extremely dedicated and professional.

Other: Looking for a strong group of people to learn from, or newer players to learn together, I do a lot of studying, via watching some of the “professional” players of what professions I want/willing to learn. Normal sPvP is fun but there is no communication, it’s all about who wins the 1v1, there are very rarely ANY team battles and its just not put together. I’m looking for team based tactics, voice communication, mature playing, not ragers and people who quit because they loose.

If your interested in having me on your team or interested in creating one, please mail me ingame, I have no issue providing a teamspeak 3 server for a serious team and a serious team only.

I’m not here to run through teams over and over again, I want to find a good group of people, become a tight nit group with them, and start our journey to esports.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.