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Help! Pre-Match Tempest Rotation?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Oroku Saki.7185

Oroku Saki.7185

After a long stint of ignoring my tempest I decided to take him up again. I played it for the better part of the day yesterday and really enjoyed it, which was a nice surprise. I was Dagger/Warhorn. I was wanting to know a good rotation for buffing my teammates during the 10 second pre-match countdown. This is what I was doing, please tell me what you guys would recommend.

Fire Attunement
-Overload Fire
-Heat Sync

Air Attunement

Earth Attunement
-Sand Squall

after this rotation I would go back to Air Attunement to get Overload Air ready for combat.

Upcoming Changes to PvP Runes/Sigils/Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Oroku Saki.7185

Oroku Saki.7185

We’re also removing the following amulets:

  • Soldier’s
  • Settler’s
  • Celestial
  • Sentinel

Oh MY fRIcKinG GOsH, wowowowowoowow. I love that these are going away – the tanky meta will be traded in for a squishier, bursty one. I will say that I’m very scared for Elementalists though. Celestial Amulet has always been the go-to amulet because of well it synergizes with everything ele related. Maybe the new meta will consist of ele’s using the newer amulets.

I highly recommend buffing Scepter damage, especially the auto attacks.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Oroku Saki.7185

Oroku Saki.7185

I uninstalled the game a few weeks ago because of the state of pvp, I’m glad the quarterly changes are approaching fast. Anways…

Hammer 2 – lower the damage
Hammer 3 – lower to 2 strikes
Slickshoes – allow players to successfully dodge through it
Sneak Gyro – This is entirely too powerful; I recommend either increasing it’s cooldown, lower it’s effectiveness by allowing the scrapper be stealthed for a maximum of X amount of seconds, once the total time is reached then it’s automatically detonated.

Auto attacks on hammer stack might so Scrappers do more damage as the fight progresses – lower the base damage on those two skills would be a nice way to balance them since they are so defensive.

-lower the damage on chill
-Staff 5 shouldn’t be a mark, but rather a single target ability.
-Warhorn 4 shouldn’t be unblockable
-Dagger mainhand – lower the auto attack damage so that it’s NOT better than or equal to thief auto attack damage.
-Axe mainhand should have a 3rd attack string
-Greatsword – make a trait that let’s necros have increased speed when wielding a greatsword and take away the speed increase when a dagger is equipped.

I think Death Shroud should diminish when out of combat, but should be easily gained during combat

-Test of Faith should damage to players that physically cross the blades excluding dodge, it shouldn’t do damage to players that use teleports to get out of the AOE.
-Dragonmaw – Make the barrier that holds the player more noticeable.
-the trait Bulwark should be nerfed and should increase the duration on Shield of Courage by 1 second.
-Shield of Courage, I think the aegis refresh rate is 20 seconds – this is good.

-nerf the bristleback and smokescale’s damage

-I recommend giving elementalists an overall base increase to vitality
-Diamond Skin – change it so that conditions applied have reduced duration and damage
-Warhorn skills either need a faster cast time or the skills need to be generated faster.
-Overload Air – This ability is fantastic, but it’s too good. Remove the “lingering static region” and just have this ability cause an AOE blind when it ends.

-Flamestrike should be a two part chain attack
-Dragon’s Tooth – remove this ability from Scepter 2 and make it Focus 5
-make Fire 2 something else.

-Shatterstone – rework this ability so that it’s a targetedable condition that chills and does damage or make Scepter 2 Freezing Gust.

-Stone Shard – increase the damage

-Make Focus 4 a heal and make Freezing Gust Scepter 2

-the trait Blinding Dissipation should be nerfed so that Cry of Frustration and Diversion blind on shatter and not Mind Wrack and Distortion
-the trait Mental Anguish should be nerfed so that the damage on shatter is 10% and the damage against inactivity is 20%
-Echo of Memory and Deja Vu should have a block time of 1 second

This shatters do too much damage while having access to 4 instant blinds on top of their already defensive nature.

That’s all I can think of for now

Thief: Dagger Training + Impaling Lotus?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oroku Saki.7185

Oroku Saki.7185

I hear ya, that’s too bad 8(

Thief: Dagger Training + Impaling Lotus?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oroku Saki.7185

Oroku Saki.7185

Daredevil’s Impaling Lotus doesn’t seem to be benefiting from Dagger Training in the Deadly Arts traitline. I’m not sure if this is intended, a misunderstanding on my part or a bug.

Dagger Training – Dagger attacks have a chance to poison enemies.

Impaling Lotus – Evade attacks and hurl damaging daggers, dealing multiple conditions to enemies.

After a bit more testing it looks like Daredevil’s Distracting Daggers and Impairing Daggers are not benefiting from Deadly Arts’ Dagger Training either.

(edited by Oroku Saki.7185)

How is your pvp experience so far?

in Thief

Posted by: Oroku Saki.7185

Oroku Saki.7185

I’ve been pvping in ranked primarily as a Daredevil and am on the last tier of Sapphire, I enjoy it, but man I tell you what it’s definitely a wildcard each match. It really depends on the team, if the team is good I excel, but if the team is not rotating well, losing team fights and/or are not swapping to called targets it can easily snowball in the enemies favor.

I was using staff, but then recently switched back to dagger/pistol with emphasis on Pulmonary Impact, I think it’s a good adjustment and the mobility from Dash makes me feel like The Flash. Pistol 4, Steal stun and the Daredevil Elite + Pulmonary Impact makes for an excellent rush-down style of play – if a Tempest does not have stability on overload you can bring them down very quickly, Druids are also a bit easier to handle as well especially where their auto attack has a cast time they are still very strong though, Necromancers/Reapers do not do too well against this build either because they’re in the same boat as Druids with cast times on almost everything. I highly recommend this build….

I have gotten so much hate ever since the start of league – EEVVERRYYOONNEEE. People often tell me to swap, yell at me, call me names, taunt me, and on the other side of the spectrum I’ve been told I’m really good and am an awesome thief. I’ve gotten to the point where I just disrespect everyone that says something like that to me – that’s something I need to fix and I’ve seen that irritability leak out irl too. NOTHING big, just irritable is all.

This is my build:

I will say that I have been playing my Scrapper more and it is so much EASIER to play than Daredevil. If you take the same reflexes you would use on a Daredevil and put that onto a Scrapper you can see huge results especially in team fights and I think it is overall less stressful and more forgiving. If you mess up on a Scrapper it’s ok, if you mess up on a Daredevil you loss a match.