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I can't deal with the crashes anymore.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


I’ve tested the SDD and it returns no errors. As far as I can see the crashing is caused by the graphic card, if I set everything on low the game won’t crash, but as soon as I max out the settings, the game will occasionally stutter and then sometimes freeze. After freezing, the game either remains frozen until I kill the process manually, or resets the Nvidia driver (I get the Nvidia crash notification) after which it works again fine. The weird thing is, I played way more demanding games like Gw2 and this never happened, so I doubt it can be related to the graphic card.

I did switch to dual screen system recently, I’ll try unplugging the secondary screen and see if it works better.

I can't deal with the crashes anymore.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: Gw2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 54ef9d41
Hang Signature: fa71
Hang Type: 134217728
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 1060
Additional Hang Signature 1: fa716e70ce9b8c15bc7043561ed0dfae
Additional Hang Signature 2: e039
Additional Hang Signature 3: e0393c3a026068f984d98cc010b5a317
Additional Hang Signature 4: fa71
Additional Hang Signature 5: fa716e70ce9b8c15bc7043561ed0dfae
Additional Hang Signature 6: e039
Additional Hang Signature 7: e0393c3a026068f984d98cc010b5a317

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I can't deal with the crashes anymore.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


My specs:

Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit
GeForce GTX 780 GHz Edition
16GB Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer 8CL
Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SDD

The game runs from 80 to 140 FPS, but constantly crashes no matter what, I updated my drivers, repaired the game, set my graphic card power settings to favor max performance, tried running the game in older compatibility modes, with no luck.
The sad part is, is that I returned to this game after two and a half years and I used to play it on my old rig maxed out with no issues.

Is there anything else that I can do, before I either sacrifice a goat or hit the uninstall button?

(edited by Orphexile.1042)

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


Wait… why? I can already dodge. Making block drain endurance would just give me less options than before. Though admittedly I do avoid shields on the warrior because of the awful cooldown even traited.

Blocking should use less energy/per block then dodging if any of the rl mechanics apply to this game. How can a class in full heavy armor dodge without breaking their bones it’s beyond me anyway.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


Make shield block an active skill and make it share energy/stamina with dodge.

Would make this class a lot better (together with Guardians and Engineers)

Help on Unkillable Warrior/Non-Support

in Warrior

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


That’s not true, I have both a Guardian and a Warrior and the Guardian isn’t even remotely as tanky as Warrior is.

Help on Unkillable Warrior/Non-Support

in Warrior

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


Usually when I play I am playing by myself. In previous MMOs I’ve been capable of building Paladin-like Warrior Builds. I am still trying to figure out Guild Wars 2 and its traits and skills though.

I am playing Norn-Warrior – Weapon Choices GS and Hammer
I am not looking to play the support warrior, I have seen some builds focused on providing shout support, but I am leaning more toward the signet in my build.

Goal: A high Vitality/ High Toughness – Medium to High Damager – Capable of surviving and killing almost anything and supporting self.

I am making my own weapons and armors.

Any help would be great!
At current I am Level 40. 10 in stength/10 in defense/10 in discipline.

Is the crit raises in discipline worth it. I find myself able to tank most things in open world, but I am getting leveled in Dungeons by enemies.

Here is what I am currently aiming for?;T4Ag0yqEaJdS9kSLqsMPJsx+k7K5VLOGOA


First of all, vitality is kinda useless in this game, so avoid going +vitality sets.

My set (+power, +toughness, +healing power):

Cleric’s Draconic set (Monk Runes, +15 boon duration, Aegis on Elite and + healing power)
Cleric’s Pearl Mace + Shield
Sapphire Cleric’s Orichalcum jewelry set

Traits 0/0/30/30/10 (COPY/PASTE the link or it gets broken for some reason):

You should have around 1400 healing power, which mean you’ll get healed for about 300hp/s from your signet, 300hp/s from the banner and another 120hp from you passive, 720hp/s total.

You can also have 100% uptime on fury (20%crit9% from passive) and 6x Might together with a 75% up time 33% speed boost.

I’m running this build and it’s tanky as hell, also your elite is on a 48sec cd, which means a free Aegis from your runes ever 48 sec.

(edited by Orphexile.1042)

Warriors need a 1-handed ranged weapon.

in Warrior

Posted by: Orphexile.1042



I’m running a really support-ish build for my warrior, meaning I run with a full Cleric Drac set, Cleric Pearl Weapons and Sapphire Cleric jewelery set together with the Monk runes for extra boon duration.

I run with a Banner of Discipline, Banner of Tactics, “For Great Justice!” and a Warhorn in my offhand (replaces condition for a random boon)

The main problem I have is that my ideal rotation (keeping 6 stacks of might, fury, swiftness and vigor up 99-100% of the time), leaves me with about 4 second window in which I have absolutely nothing to contribute to my group, as I’m usually too far away from the boss to smack him a few times with my mace, as doing so would break by banner rotation, thus dropping the fury buff.

I’m not sure if I’m not supposed to do this at all, as we’re apparently supposed to multitask in this game, but I wouldn’t mind using a pistol in my main hand with a low duration weakness on my 1.

Make tokens universal for each dungeon set.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


The current system splits the premade teams/guilds up, because everyone desires a set from a different dungeon. In short in order to make everyone happy I need to waste/spend time in possibly 4 dungeons from which I need absolutely nothing from.

This system only stimulates random puging.

At least make the tokens tradable INSIDE the party that completed the dungeon in question, thus allowing me to dump my unwanted tokens on a friend who actually wants them.

(edited by Orphexile.1042)

The PVP needs more weight to it.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


Make fortresses about 40x harder to capture, add a spawn point for the defending server inside the fortress, add a blueprint that allows the attackers to build a basic base camp in the proximity of the fortress with a spawn point added to it.

(remove the bug when you get killed behind the gates, because skills simply pass trough)

Add special world bosses to the WvW map, that drop exclusive gear (or tokens for the gear) with a global spawn announcement.

Right now I feel like I’m not achieving anything when we capture a fortress, because it is too easy.

The main logic this game seems to follow is: Fight in WvWvW to gain bonuses for the PvE you don’t need, because you get geared up completely in less then a week.
