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HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paandor.1950


It’s doable , but it’s annoying , please ANET do something about this . i log in the game to have fun not to be frustrated .

This ^

I love Guild Wars 2, but am saddened.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paandor.1950


I’m not a fan of the expansion. I find myself constantly frustrated.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paandor.1950



Since guys over A-Net already posted on this forum, I want to point out some stuff and hope it gets to them.

1.-“Hardcore” shouldn’t be about grinding, but about player skill. Running in circles like a hamster hoarding items in order to get gear isn’t “hard work” and doesn’t adds anything to the difficulty of a game. As some people mentioned already, Guild Wars 2 advertized itself as a game that was against the “grind to have fun” tenency, and sadly, for people interested, most of the new content you put requires people to grind to participate, or is just about grinding.

2.- Legendaries are the only things there should be a heavy grind for. They are hard enough already, and very expensive (Note: Some players said they were just very expensive before, now they’re a chore).

3.- Masteries, tho I’m grateful we need less Hero Points to unlock the Elite ones, gaining mastery levels still equal to a big grind… It’s a disheartening change of pace from the active leveling unique to GW2, to the “Hamster Wheel Meta” followed by HoT.

4.- You can’t abandon old content, you can’t abandon old Tyria. Dungeon reward nerfs hurted the PvE outside of fractals. I just feel you don’t care about dungeons, since many of them still have bugs that have gone passed over without being adressed (enemies still spawning from burrows after being destroyed, levers not being able to be pulled at random, etc). A couple friends play the free version since I recommended the game before HoT content, and now they’re reluctant to buy because well, they haven’t fully leveled their characters, wanted to try some “co-op” on game but no one is present at dungeons anymore. How is people from lower levels gonna get used to fractals later, for example? It was a good transition…

5.- You have to address the lack of content on the expansion, seriously, I feel all this grindy merry-go-round meta is a way to “compensate” that we only have 1 Raid, 1 Elite per class, and just 4 areas… Content gated behind masteries is really annoying, and HECK, even gated content like abilities at the beggining of the game shouldn’t happen, it makes some of them painful to level up!


Many people left because of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paandor.1950


Game just simply isn’t fun anymore. Time to go.

Who hates this game now because of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paandor.1950


Core game was great for casual players like me, HOT is not for casual players. End of story. I experience more frustration than fun. I’m done.

HOT at night

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paandor.1950


Running around at night seems like a nightmare. Are there better rewards for the events at night, or are people just gonna wait for daylight before they adventure?