Showing Posts For Panda.5394:

The Golem conspiracy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Panda.5394


Just quickly reminiscing:

That’s pretty sad that level one ranger will never get to see the Golems in all their glory.

I have another story where a guy came along and stole one of my Golems and I was a bit sad and told him please don’t and he explained to me how he was just passing bye. still a better love story than Twilight


The Golem conspiracy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Panda.5394


Panda, your Golem collection is admirable… could even rival my own!

Let’s band together and see justice is served.

Here’s a pic of me posing proudly with my babies.

I see… Golems by the Lion hey. hmm I have some of my own there too!

Surely you realise now Anet we want Golems back, I just want to see my kids again


The Golem conspiracy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Panda.5394


Anet you locked a topic about the Power Suits De spawning but I believe that this is a problem and you should not consider it trolling.
Anet I believed there was a very heavy emphasis on social and fun activities and removing something as harmless and fun as this is absurd I feel very shocked that you would, you may think this isn’t serious but it is I spent many days spawning in the Power Suits and I would like you to make it so they don’t de spawn so I can start having fun as much fun in Guild Wars 2 as I used to ;D… But Drama aside please consider adding it back to the game. as it would make more happy than it makes sad.

It would be nice if instead of making them De-spawn you could put the effort in to enable them not to be placed in insane places.

A reasonable response to why you chose to go about this would be appreciated and why it was not mentioned in the patch notes the more things like this you take away from the game the worse it gets.


Power Suit De-Spawning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Panda.5394


Anet you locked a topic about the Power Suits De spawning but I believe that this is a problem and you should not consider it trolling.

Anet I believed there was a very heavy emphasis on social and fun activities and removing something as harmless and fun as this is absurd I feel very shocked that you would, you may think this isn’t serious but it is I spent many days spawning in the Power Suits and I would like you to make it so they don’t de spawn so I can start having fun as much fun in Guild Wars 2 as I used to ;D… But Drama aside please consider adding it back to the game. as it would make more happy than it makes sad.

It would be nice if instead of making them De-spawn you could put the effort in to enable them not to be placed in insane places.

A reasonable response to why you chose to go about this would be appreciated and why it was not mentioned in the patch notes.


(edited by Panda.5394)