Showing Posts For Patchee.3489:

Your opinions on HOT and balance?

in PvP

Posted by: Patchee.3489


I’m excited about specializations. I think those will be easier to balance

I think this will make balancing the game even harder. I guess balancing 8 classes is easier than 8 classes including specializations. Let’s say every class gets 2 specializations (if they even make it to PVP) then you have to balance the (now) 9 classes and 18 specializations. This won’t be an easy task, I guess. Maybe it will end up like GW1 which “balanced itself” as people say.
Besides that, new Weapons, Classes, Specializations will be great for build diversity.

My thoughts on the expansion

in PvP

Posted by: Patchee.3489


Seems like they are moving on a League of Legends direction from here on out.

That wouldn’t be such a bad thing. LoL also features small scale 5v5 matches, so I guess this wouldn’t feel a lot like wvw zerging.

My thoughts on the expansion

in PvP

Posted by: Patchee.3489


Did they announce how many players will be able to play in a Stronghold team/match?

Will Guild-LB only work for Stronghold?

in PvP

Posted by: Patchee.3489


The way Colin Johanson announced the Guild-Leaderboards on the HOT stream sounded like Guild Leaderboards will only work for Stronghold. Is that the case? I hope not.

Ok, now Colin said on the Pax Interview that the Guild Leaderboards will show players “who ist the best team for that Stronghold Mode”. Needless to mention, I am not amused.

Why would you introduce Leaderboards only for a new gamemode and not the one everybody already knows?

We played Conquest for like 3 years and you are not going to let us see who are the best teams at this gamemode? Why? Are you trying to “kill” Conquest and raise the Attention for Stronghold?

(edited by Patchee.3489)

Show "Win-Chances" at the end of a match

in PvP

Posted by: Patchee.3489


Some time ago there was a discussion going on in this forum about why ranks or some kind of MMR are not being shown on a PVP games scorebord anymore.

The answer we received was basically this:

What are those problems of showing MMR?

Promoting harassment, elitism, and a toxic environment where artificial numbers are put over playing well together.

I understand the desire. I believe there may be some way of showing standing without the issue above, but I haven’t found it yet. Hopefully some one will soon.

So … how about instead of showing the individual player MMR, we get to see some kind of MMR that represents the whole team.
Especially since the new MMR system already uses an assumption on how a team will perform in a particular match, exactly this number could be used in a way understandable for everyone (e.g a percentage ratio: 40% to 60%).

This would give us little insight in how strong the opposing team was and how well we performed in that particular match without creating a toxic environment and drama.