Showing Posts For Pats.2907:

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pats.2907


Any NA balth open?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pats.2907


Still missing the 30g i posted about earlier :\

I simply removed the offers i had up yesterday and did not get my gold back.

(edited by Pats.2907)

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pats.2907


Tried putting in an offer of 10g for The Chosen of Rage but it would not go up. I ended up clicking it multiple times and a few hours later, after the trading post went down, I was missing the 30g I had in my inventory. Once it was back up, I removed the offers but did not receive the 30g back. Moments later the trading post went down again. I’m really hoping to have it back once this is sorted out. :S

(edited by Pats.2907)