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Story mode dungeons are for the 1%.....maybe 2%

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Peace.5876


Theres are great deal of exaggerating about Story mode difficulty going on here. AC is easily puggable, did it on my warrior at launch with one wipe and again on monday with my engineer and not a single party member had to waypoint, both times done in a full pug group. I’ll grant you that the ranger mobs are a bit of a shock the first time you come across them but once encountered you should have a plan to deal with them.

CM is harder now than it was at launch, but still puggable. Just did it pugged it last night on my engineer with a thief, 2 ele’s and the worlds worst ranger. We managed it fine despite having a party memeber who was essentially dead weight. The dog pack’s are a little obnoxious now but still doable.

I understand how these dungeons could be a bit of a culture shock to players more used to traditional mmo’s, but honestly once you have seen the dungeons once its really not that hard to adjust. Try to avoid players who classify themselves as DPS, they are often a liability. Balanced builds are the way to go if you want a smooth run.