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Looking for a Little Guild Advice.

in Guilds

Posted by: PeachyHK.1825


Hello, and thanks for poking your nose into my thread. I’ve always intended to join a Guild on my server [Tarnished Coast], but haven’t managed to actually achieve this goal because of a couple reasons. First, I took a break from the game and there are just SO many to choose from. I’m the sort of person who likes to be almost suffocated by information before taking the plunge and filling out an application, so I’m hoping posting what I’m looking for might help me narrow it down. Secondly, I am on the market for a specific type of guild, and would love some advice on which of the current guilds best fit this sort of mock-up.

1) Roleplay heavy! – I’ve been roleplaying for years and years, and this is an absolute must.

2) Willing to educate! – While I’m not new to MMO’s, I am new to Guild Wars despite having jumped at the sequel like a famished zombies on brains. I’m not overly familiar with the lore from the previous game, and can always use some tips on some game mechanics and stat-based things. I’m not ashamed to tell you what I don’t know, and beseech you to teach me.

3) Mature – This doesn’t necessarily mean 18+, but I’m not opposed. Guilds with mature themes, that don’t shy away from tough, dark, or macabre topics. That said, I’m not necessarily looking for a ‘dark assassins’ guild, or something like that which brings us to…

4) Diverse – A guild that doesn’t ‘lump’ all of it’s members into one mosh-pit of sameness. I’m a big fan of court intrigue, so a guild with structure and rank that maybe isn’t outright militant, while allowing its players to fulfill roles that best suit there characters would be amazing!

5) Not massive – I don’t mind the idea of guilds that are small, and still starting to recruit. I’m a quality over quantity individual when it comes to the sort of people I most enjoy playing with!

That’s it! Really, any guild that just fits most of those five things would be splendid. I’m not adverse to going and doing my own additional research and going through an application process if anybody has any suggestions. I really appreciate any insight anyone has on the matter and thanks again for taking the time to read my post.