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Love/hate GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pedigree.2301


I just wanted to say I loved GW2, it’s so well made and it has depth and width in its design. I just can’t play it though, it’s so sad. I like leveling in PVE and switching to PVP for a change every now and again. but ultimately the end game is WVW is it not? unless you like solely PVE and dungeons. I tried roaming but just got trained by zerg. I tried small team to kind of “backdoor” stuff but got trained by zerg. My only option left was to join in with the “blob” stuff which was fun for about 5 mins then boring as hell, with no skill or feeling of achievement. In WVW there is no getting round the “zerg/blob” just steamrollering every objective. What makes it worse is that I don’t tend to play at prime times so I know the experience will be different when there are more players, but that doesn’t really help me when I play. I play during the day and as an example today steamrolled by zerg every 2 mins, say about 30 players and we had about 4 from what I saw both on screen and in chat… what can you do with these number differences?

Anyway I know this will incite rage into some people and some people will agree. It just doesn’t seem that Anet are trying to do anything about it. Can you not limit the entry onto the map so you can never have a difference of so many people in one area. Or maybe queue people who are obviously zerging an area, then changing maps and zerging another… can you not stagger them chaging the map they are on? or say you can only change map every 30 mins or something.

I’m not suggesting that these will eliminate the zerg/blob-ness of WvW but Anet doesn’t even seem to by trying at all. maybe they should give some of these or other peoples idea’s a chance instead of doing nothing or rather little in the way of stopping it ruining the game for most people.