Showing Posts For Pend.9783:

Any fairly even match ups?

in WvW

Posted by: Pend.9783


Even if there is, it’ll stop being even once you transfer over.

Current scores on North American servers.

in WvW

Posted by: Pend.9783


Also this is really just a side note. But for all you Rall players out there, why is everyone on your server such a … young feline… I cant count how many SF players ive met and spoken to (some transfer to spy, and then we chat) who were cool as all heck. But literally every rall player I meet is just a massive jerkface. (for those who’ve never faced them, imagine eredon terrace, but remove anyone cool youve met from there, and then make their server population worse by about 10 degrees, and youll have rall players)

I think it is all a matter of perspective, because my opinion of zergwood folks is less then any other server we have matched up against yet. Rall on the other hand has a lot of old DAoC folks that have been around for ages, great folks and over time their organization will improve and so will their performance.

There are bad eggs on every server, your perception (and mine) of a server is largely about how often you run into the bad eggs, not the good ones.

I don’t understand the hate against Rall players either. I’ve had a blast this week going up against the endless horde of Fort Aspenwood. I’m sure there are a few unsavoury types on the server but doesn’t every server have a few?

Congratulations on a stellar victory this week Fort Aspenwoord. I’m guessing you will win by 300k by the time Friday comes around. Good Fight.

Why even bother responding? Badmouthing an entire server says more about that person than it does about the server.

WvW Rankings website

in WvW

Posted by: Pend.9783


This is cool. Bookmarked. =)

And if you’re looking to add features, I think it would be helpful to have a percentage score, or ratio between scores, or some sort of graphical comparison. Nevermind, I just saw your latest post.

(edited by Pend.9783)

Making a tanky thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Pend.9783


I partially agree with all of you who have mentioned black powder. It is extremely good in open world PvE, but OP mentioned dungeons specifically. Some mobs attack way faster than the field can put blind on them, and bosses will have that buff that makes blinds near useless. It’s good, but it’s only one tool in the toolbox.

While stealth-based builds can give high survivability for the thief, it also tends to make mobs aggro teammates instead. I don’t think that’s what OP had in mind either.

For keeping the mobs’ attention in dungeons, I believe spec’ing for increased initiative works best. This would give you more uses of skills that give you the “evade” effect, preventing all damage. Disabling shot (shortbow-3) is the most notable of these, since you can also use it to maintain cripple for kiting. After that, I’d grab the extra dodging trait and the two traits that give vigor for even more dodging. And to top it off, you can gear for vitality and toughness, but that’s pretty obvious for a “tanky” build.

Best weapons for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Pend.9783


Control is hugely important in WvW. If you want kills, you have to prevent targets from simply dodging back into their swarm whenever they’re under fire. Mainhand sword is good for that reason, as it has a 1 second immobilize and the 1/2 sec stun with offhand pistol. It works wonders immediately after grabbing someone with scorpion wire.

Shortbow is fantastic for utility and for overcoming the thief’s range limitations. The bouncing auto attack is basically your only way of hitting things beyond 900 range, in a mode where every other class usually equips 1200 range weps. That and clusterbomb also lets you attack defenders on walls without direct line of sight. And most importantly, infiltrator’s arrow alone makes shortbow worth equipping. It lets you escape from almost any bad situation, and it makes thief the best supply runner by far.

Skin Database?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pend.9783
