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Bring Back the Old Daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Penny.1095


I sincerely hope that I never end up in a group with anyone here who does not seem to consider dodging attacks as part of their standard gameplay – you are either doing nothing but farming completely trivial mobs all game or one of those players who gets downed by incredibly obvious slow hammer attacks from the archdiviner or gets pulled in by Kholer.

As for reviving teammates, it doesn’t have to be from deaths – just do a few dungeons with randoms or play some WvW. I can understand being annoyed by the combo field one, because that takes a little coordination if your class is not combo laden, but dodging? Seriously? The one remotely skillful element of the game and it’s considered a burden by mmo players.

Just another thing to add – it seems like some of you think it means 15 consecutive dodges? To get this achievement, you have to find 1 mob mob in the entire game world of Guild Wars 2, and dodge it 15 times. You know, if for some reason dodging isn’t part of your normal playstyle…
It does not affect anything you may or may not do with other players, why can’t both of you dodge the same mob? They swap agro all the time!

I sincerely hope I never wind up in a group with someone who doesn’t understand how powerful and potent a truly exceptional ranger can be. As several others have pointed out, good rangers believe a simple mantra – if you’ve been hit or taken aggro, you’ve screwed up. Do better next time.

I find it incredibly unnatural to let anything get me in range; I use my pet, I use my head. I don’t face-roll a bunch of “pound-em” skills and then evade/evade/evade while they swing at me. Your assumption that I farm mobs or play low is not only wrong, it is insulting.

Dodging doesn’t take skill, my friend. It takes the ability to double-tap a key. Setting up a fight with the entire field in mind, with the sense of the motion of the mobs keeping you on your toes, with a strong sense of how to balance your attack against your pet’s attack, and with the stated goal of walking away from a massive, uncontrollable, mob scene without so much as a smudge on your jerkin…. nowTHAT takes skill.

Bring Back the Old Daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Penny.1095


I’m going with the original poster on the topic of the dodging.

Look — my passion is playing ranged characters. When rangers are really, really good – when they know how to use their pet, when they can use their movements to confuse and confound the mobs….. they never take aggro.


Every time I get winged by the tiniest chunk of damage, I think “I should have done that better.” An enemy should never touch me. I should have been more patient in the attack, I should have deployed my pet better, etc. etc.

So you can run up the arguments about how dodging is easy or everyone should know how to do it or wouldn’t it be better if everyone who didn’t play the way you play uninstalled the game and left you to your elitism. However, I feel very justified in my disenfranchisement with a game mechanic that forces a ranged character to play melee style in order to earn a game currency.

Let’s turn this around — every character has to find a way to hit 15 enemies from at least 1,000 away and kill them without taking any HITS or DAMAGE whatsoever in order to get a daily achievement. I expect a lot of melee-preferring folk would be equally frustrated to be stunted in such a way.