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Townbased Guild Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PepperPatrol.2139


There certainly is nothing wrong with having different sizes of Guild Hall. But 5 players can grow to hundreds and then you have to start all over with a bigger Guild Hall?

Actually you retain guild level, upgrades and decoration inventory when switching halls. In theory you’d only have win the new hall from the mordrem again. You’d be redecorating the larger space anyways.

Townbased Guild Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PepperPatrol.2139


I’ve been in a guild at level 63 and it still looked like a dilapidated ruin. When does it actually start to look nice? Does the sand ever clear out of the little buildings in Lost Precipice? I may be biased bc I run a roleplaying guild and it just don’t make much sense for them to be chillin out in the middle of pocket raptor land in a broken down pile of rocks. Not good for business.

We’ve also got like a max of ten on at once and we just got the expanded guild hall the other day. It became laughably huge for a community of, at most, thirty. I wouldn’t mind seeing something smaller. I’d honestly use the Guild Initiative HQ if I could decorate it/quick travel.

But I digress. I’m not really looking to suggest that this SHOULD happen because I’m pretty sure people have before me. I want to find the fake post that had actual art of it so I can dream. (Or if it MIGHT happen. But again, not holding my breath for that one.)

Townbased Guild Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PepperPatrol.2139


Lost Precipice has lots of rooms. They’re just all covered in sand.

Townbased Guild Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PepperPatrol.2139


This isn’t really a suggestion or anything (Though if you want you can definitely consider it a suggestion in your inbox from moi) but I heard some people talking a few weeks ago about there being plans to add additional guild halls to the game based on towns (like LA/DR/The Grove etc). I was skeptical and googled it. Couldn’t find anything, but they were so sure of it and said they saw pics that I at least expected to see the fake post about it.

Because my heart wants a seedy pirate lounge from LA something fierce (Holographic dancers in my GH rave bar are great and all, but pirate dens) I wanted to ask on the forums and get a for sure answer. Is there any kind of intention to do this at all?

Also has anyone seen the (probably fake) post. I kinda wanted to look at it just to see the art.

POLL: Which Sylvari face(s) do you use?

in Sylvari

Posted by: PepperPatrol.2139


All female 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9. I also had one with 7 at some point but she was revamped. I also have a male vari with 9 but he has since been deleted and rerolled.

Uninstanced Salma, new walls.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PepperPatrol.2139


What gets me is that they’re fixing their invisible wall glitches…But Sylvari eyes still cross when you make the iris smaller, that one human haristyle still glitches through your character’s face in normal animation, the gat tiles of certain map areas are still all messed up, Sylvari armor doesn’t move or sit the same way it does on human models which makes no sense because sylvari and humans are built the same way, certain armor sets still clip through themselves, the hilarious mortar glitch in ascalon, how many times events in Gendarrin fields glitch out and don’t complete themselves, why is the veteran Broodmother that was summoned from a Level 3 event now a champion level monster, why do they think the personal story is entertaining when all they do is throw wave after wave of the exact same mobs at you, that don’t give you exp for killing them, for some piddly little tiny drop of experience. Killing hordes of Risen is the opposite of entertaining. Make the helper NPCs stronger. Why can’t I scale up to a level 80 map(as the game advertised) but my friends scale down to a level 50 one? Why is all this level 80+ content open for like a week and then shut down so that I will never ever be able to play it or get any of the things from it because I have to work at a job so I can give you money for all the transmutation stones I use?

And really, why would you go through all that trouble to form entire districts of cities so that no one can really use them? I mean yeah. Okay. I have a bunch of skritt in my home instances which is awesome because I love skritt. However, I’d be willing to give up skritt for the chance to Roleplay in the Great Lodge or something. There’s no real point to these areas being instanced beyond the presence of NPCs, which is really lame because certain paths of the story will leave it pretty much empty.

But for real, fixing those other glitches is probably a little more worth your while than stopping people from enjoying an environment you’ve created for them.