Showing Posts For Perfect.1274:

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Perfect.1274


I would like to make a few suggestions and provide reasons.

1. Display the number of people in the que and an estimated timer.
It helps plan out the limited play time most people have. Sitting in a battleground que for 3 hours with the expectation it can pop at anytime stops people committing to other things in game and real life. It would also balance the servers player base across all battlegrounds.

2. Prioritize ques for guilds over randoms.
Top tier servers have a “roster” for guilds to provide coverage for a certain battleground between certain hours of the day. With the influx of PvE achievement chasers taking a large portion of the available battleground slots, WvW guilds cannot get everyone into the map. If you have 20 guild members in a battleground you should be given a preference over someone who has 0 guild members and intends to use supply to repair walls being trebed or do a jumping puzzle.

3. Remove all PvE from the WvW maps.
Remove the mobs, skillpoints, POI, vistas, achievement points and jumping puzzles from the maps. There is a whole continent dedicated to being a carebear. We do not need people taking up WvW slots to do activities offered elsewhere. PvErs would cry if open world PvP was offered in Tyria where slots are NOT limited. It seams only fair WvWers cry that PvE is offered where slots ARE limited.

4. Stop server transfers.
I know GW2 has a business model of buy to play and milk people with the microtransation cash shop instead of a subscription. However if a server has WvW ques for more than 25% of the week, close transfers to the server. Also offer free transfers away from the server to give people incentive to move to less populated servers. This won’t effect the PvErs who can guest and sPvP is cross server anyway.

5. Guild buffs/ progression/ reputation should be cross server
Remove one of the barriers that prevents whole guilds moving. It seams ridiculous that a guild looses all buffs, levels and reputation if it does the right thing and moves from high pop server to a low pop server. Let the guild benefits follow the guild to the new server.

On a side note I do like the idea of the new map with the overflow and cannot wait to play it. Unfortunately open map GvG death matches are lacking and I hope this will fill the void.

Signet of Illusions

in Mesmer

Posted by: Perfect.1274


Thankyou Arenanet for fixing the signet of illusions. tooltip to correctly state 200% health bonus as working and intended.

The problem I run into is a known bug but after some testing I have worked out why. Signet of illusion currently works on a global 12ish second cooldown. It applies the 12 second passive every 12 seconds to every illusion alive at the time. But if an illusion dies or is replaced within that 12 second cooldown it misses the buff and has to wait until the next 12 second cycle comes around to be benefitted with the signit passive ability.

This is out of character with the traits Phantasmal Fury and Vengful Images which grant fury and retaliation upon the illusion being created and each individual illusion then has it’s own 9ish second cooldown cycle running.

Please fix this as it is annoying to try and keep illusions alive for 12 seconds or spawn illusions close to the signit cycle coming around so they don’t insta die or get the benefit of the signet when almost dead.


Feedback on Spectator Mode

in PvP

Posted by: Perfect.1274


“Open-sourcing” is the only way so it won’t be build wars.

It will be good for new players who have little experience with building. They can learn from the pros, get the right builds and improve and be at par with the top players in no time. that’s how you grow the community.

New players have access to ample builds and resources to assist in copying a viable build or making their own. One persons hard work, testing and understanding of the game mechanics should not be public information if they do not wish it to be. You should not be restricted in your game play or punished for using your brain to make your own builds.

If such person wishes to make the build public that is their CHOICE. Individuals should have a choice if they wish to give their work away to the masses without being restricted to playing in non-spectator mode games.

Theorycrafting is a skill, button mashing is a skill. ’’Pros’’ should be skilled at all aspects of the game, not just button mashing. Newer players can copy public domain theorycrafting and work on their button mashing skills until they want to work on their theorycrafting skills.

(edited by Perfect.1274)

Feedback on Spectator Mode

in PvP

Posted by: Perfect.1274


Short Term
1. When you are using the viewing eyes you should be able to target players to see their health/ boons/ conditions etc.

2. You should be able to see the target of target when clicking on a character via the eyes. Otherwise we don’t know who they are focusing, the same as if we were watching from the characters point of view.

3. Cap points shown as bars on the UI. A 3 part bar where the left side is red, middle is neutral and right side is blue. If the bar is capped by red it will start max to the left then as blue decap it slides back to the middle until it becomes neutral then progresses to the right as blue cap.

4. Make the health bars for each team much larger and downstate/ death more obvious on the bars.

5. Fix the mini-map size. Personally I find the map max zoomed out makes it hard to distinguish between player icons, particularly in a stream. However if you zoom the map into a point where the icons become easily viewable you lose sight of half the map. Can we make the area the map can be dragged to larger so we can see the whole map at a decent resolution.

6. The fight when viewed from the eyes looks like a particle party. For example in a 3v3 the player is focusing on 2-3 animations on the opposing team. The viewer/ stream is focusing on 6 animations covering the screen and it becomes a distraction. When viewed from the players view it does make for easier watching because you adopt that teams mentality and focus on 2-3 animations of the opposite team and the skills of the player. Reducing it down to 3-4 animations. This seems to be an interim solution but you lose the ‘overallness’ of the fight in doing so. I don’t have a solution for this but raising it for discussion.

7. Give players the option to turn the inspection of traits and builds off. Personally I have played on some of the 1v1 servers with my own build which beat the op beastmaster builds. Unfortunately in doing so everyone in spectator mode had access to a build I wanted to keep to myself. I don’t mind the idea of people watching me play but giving up my builds to do so is stupid. I expect someone to post “play in servers that have spectator turned off”. Firstly the popular 1v1 servers all have spectator mode enabled and it defeats the purpose of new features being introduced if they are not going to be utalized. Players should have the option if they want to share such information like in every other game.

Long Term
1. Recordable functionality. Not every game can be viewed or covered live. The games should be recorded and made available to everyone or to people the participants wish to share with. This way casters don’t need to be online all day to cover a game.

2. Change the spectator cameras. The idea of following 1 person or viewing from pre-determined eyes is primitive. Take a leaf out of the newest Sim City book and adopt an over head, zoom in and rotate camera which can move freely throughout the game to give better angles and follow fights more fluidly.

Opinion for casters
Don’t just talk about what everyone can see. Eg. When discussing traits at the start don’t open each panel and say this person (Mesmer) is running 20/20/0/0/30. Everyone in the stream has eyes and is smart enough to read the numbers for themselves. Instead a better option is the explanation like this person (Mesmer) is running a shatter build which will fulfil the x,y,z role or provide x,y,z benefit for his team.

Another example don’t just call out fights as if you are a radio announcer calling the baseball before everyone had TVs. This method was adopted because the audience couldn’t see the game via the radio so it had to be explain play by play to give a mental picture. The audience can see the game and know what is going on. Provide more overall insight about the game and why decisions are being made and why people are moving around the map as they are. When there is no real content then use the skill by skill play to fill in the void spaces as idol chat.

(edited by Perfect.1274)

Leaderboard Based on Wins Not Skill?

in PvP

Posted by: Perfect.1274


TS noob? Im have 170 wins 20 lue 90% almost win ratio in TSPVP im not in TOP1000

lol I wasn’t in the top 1000 either becuase I solo lots, mess around, run stupid classes etc but last night we got a group together. Won like 7 in a row against people in the top 1000, including a few games against teams in the top 100 and top 25.

Our team and myself shot up the leaderboards from outside the top 1000 to inside the top 200 because we took the games a little more serious. I was ranked around 280 when I logged out. Wake up this morning and I am not on the list at all but all of my team mates have kept their ranks, give or take 1-5 places.

I also checked the top 1000 filtered by wins, which I know I was somewhere near the top and I am now not even in the top 1000. Its like I have been totally removed from the leaderboards for taking the game serious for 1 night and climbing too fast??

I hope they are not reworking the formulas based on a few people they see as anomalies in the ranking because they gained 750+ positions in the space of 2 hours. Anet please realise some people just messed around before the leaderboards were visable, in doing so destroying their rank.

(edited by Perfect.1274)

What happened to the hotjoin community?

in PvP

Posted by: Perfect.1274


I find hot joins are normally full of people from WvW who have ego issues and becuase they can’t talk to the enemy in WvW they think its fine to talk trash in hot joins.

Luckly tpvp isnt the same, personally I think hot joins should be removed.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perfect.1274


I am sure, it says Veteran, Dodger, Crafter, Gatherer, Events.

I cannot complete the Veteran or Crafter ones. Very annoying!

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perfect.1274


I thought this stuff was thoroughly tested… I got the kill 5 veterans daily and it will not update no matter what I kill…. I wonder how many more are bugged grrr…

It would seam the crafting achievement is also bugged. I have tried the following
Refinement of ore into bars on a max char
Refinement of raw mats on non max char
Crafted items on max char
Crafted items on non max char
Discovered new items on non max char

None worked! Its bad enough I am forced to craft but then to not be rewarded is a kick in the teeth.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perfect.1274


I am very disappointed in the new dailies, I thought the moto was, play how you want to play. These dailies seam to suggest it’s do what we tell you to do today or you won’t get achievement points.

First I don’t like being forced into PvE or WvW, I do not see why there are 2 seperate achievement systems, 1 for carebears and 1 for pvpers. They should all be 1 achievement system that give x amount of choices, of which you must complete y and be rewarded in full regardless of what you choose to do. You should be able to complete all the achievements just by doing WvW such as;
kill 10 people in WvW, take a tower, kill a dolyak, build siege or whatever else is useful to the WvW cause.
Have another section for dungeon runners such as;
Do any dungeon, kill a boss, I dont know what else these guys do but make something up
Have another area for PvPers such as;
Kill 10 people, win a match, play 5 matches etc
Have another for carebears;
Craft some items, do some world events, grind a bajillion mobs

You should be able to just do the part of the game that interests you and not be forced into the other areas which IMO are of no interested to you. For example crafting or forced to run fotm for 2 months now, the game is becoming more of a 1 hour chore to maintain my achievement points before getting into some PvP which is the area I actually enjoy. I should be able to complete my achievement points just by doing pvp, as others should be rewarded for just doing their fav part of the game.

Secondly I don’t like how the achievement system favours the PvE side of things, you can get 25 points from the 1 hour daily chore of running around WvW maps to get events and other carebear activities or get 5 points from the 45 mins it takes to play 3 PvP matches. Why are the points not even for pvp and pve. This also goes for the monthly 35 pts v 7 pts.

Thirdly and off topic why isn’t there a trading post vendor in the heart of the mists, I dont like the loading screen to LA everytime I need to pickup items I am fliping between matches.