Showing Posts For Pet.2598:

Much heard worries about the end-game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pet.2598


This game has no gear progression after exotics, thats how it was designed, and this will not change. Instead we have “cosmetic progression”, this is no “known issue”, its a feature.

I understand this line of thought. But let me use a metaphor to explain why this in my opinion does not work; this metaphor is body builders. Now in that world you have to work hard to look ‘better’ (of course this is an opinion about beauty). Now body builders need to work hard and get stronger to lift heavier weights and the ability to lift heavier weights will make them again look better. Eventually a body builders is the strongest and most muscular guy in the world and the looks the best.

Now imagine that all people could lift the heaviest weights right from the start and by that look the best after lifting these a couple of times. Now this raises many questions which end in a circle reasoning

If the ultimate goal is so easily accessible why should I still want access to other things?
Does it make me special if everyone can access the same content?
And when I acquire looks, what use do they still have if I cannot put them to use?
If there is still something where I can put my new looks to use then why did I bother for the things I own right now?
Should I not have gone here straight away?
Why should I still lift weights if in the end I can always keep up?

The only answer to this is that it is fun to lift the weights.
And everyone knows that it is not lifting weights that is goal of body building.

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

Staff walking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pet.2598


Only in Walk Mode, trying to Run while using a Staff that way would just slow you down. :P

Yes obviously though maybe pole vaulting could solve that!

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

Staff walking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pet.2598


Truely a cosmetic idea. I think it would totally rock that if your character wields a staff and you select him/her to walk then it would use the staff every step.

Thanks for reading.

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

New Method of Dodging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pet.2598


Well I must grant you that more options of movement or skills always add more depth.

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

Extra in-game slots for consumables

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pet.2598



A small problem I am experiencing is that I forget to use consumables. Maybe it is possible to implement extra slots [3-5] for this in the interface that are invisible if one does not choose to use these.

Thanks for reading.

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

Much heard worries about the end-game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pet.2598



[I posted this in the discussion forum but I feel that messages like these should actually be posted in the suggestions forum and be discussed here].

Firstly, me and my room-mates also love the feel of guild wars 2. But we are also very worried by the end-game. I love the community of guild wars 2 and especially the involvement with the development of the game.

Upon reaching lvl 80 it al started with crafting. I thought I would max it out and spending some of my levelling gold I actually created 2 new sets in 2 days and over the next 3 days completed my legendary set. The money that paid for this way gathered by discovering all of Orr, which was super fun! Though it finally saddens me that most of my gear was eventually cheaper on the trading post…
Then I started to look at dungeons, because I thought ‘well now that my gear is maxed’ I will be up for the challenge’. And challenging it is. But then I looked at the rewards that I could buy and it saddens me to find out that these were not better than the ones I made in three days.
In our opinion we would love to see a gradual system of dungeons that besides from teamwork and skill also would take some significant higher tier to complete – ‘you can not go here you do not have enough healing/damage/health etc..’ . I know that many argue that this system makes the game less accessible but if you see how fast you can get a maxed character (by just 2 weekends of playing and discovering) I think this system is something that keeps the game fun for a longer time because there is always a ‘next logical step’.
It will also have two more outcomes
You will get WvW boss-players, the strongest players can actually turn out to be new challenges for multiple players. This is not a bad case but in my opinion it makes the game cooler because it shapes heroes behind which others can hurdle. The now existing legendary weapons do not enhance players enough to take this role.
And secondly it will create more interaction in guilds. Players in guilds will have to band together because they are the ones with the better tiers and go through the process of getting stronger together.

EDIT: One more thing I would like to mention is that I think right now it is very important to make this a ‘known issue’. This way people get the idea that something will be done about it and we do not have to hope for a future patch – it just pops to my mind that maybe in this way actually we get to live the initial excitement of development all over again.

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

New Method of Dodging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pet.2598


You can always dodge forward and turn around

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

What is hurting GW2 for me (and maybe you!)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pet.2598



Firstly, me and my roommates also love the feel of guildwars. But we are also very worried by the end-game.

Upon reaching lvl 80 it al started with crafting. I thought I would max it out and spending some of my leveling gold I actually created 2 new sets in 2 days and over the next 3 days completed my legendary set. The money that paid for this way gathered by discovering all of Orr, which was super fun! Though it finally saddens me that most of my gear was eventually cheaper on the trading post…

Then I started to look at dungeons, because I thought ‘well now that my gear is maxed’I will be up for the challenge’. And challenging it is. But then I looked at the rewards that I could buy and it saddens me to find out that these were not better than the ones I made in three days.

In our opinion we would love to see a gradual system of dungeons that besides from teamwork and skill also would take some significant higher tier to complete – ‘you can not go here you do not have enough healing/damage/health etc..’ . I know that many argue that this system makes the game less accessible but if you see how fast you can get a maxed character (by just 2 weekends of playing and discovering) I think this system is something that keeps the game fun for a longer time because there is always a ‘next logical step’.

It will also have two more outcomes
You will get WvW boss-players, the strongest players can actually turn out to be new challenges for multiple players. This is not a bad case but in my opinion it makes the game cooler because it shapes heroes behind which others can hurdle. The now existing legendary weapons do not enhance players enough to take this role.

And secondly it will create more interaction in guilds. Players in guilds will have to band together because they are the ones with the better tiers and go through the process of getting stronger together.


EDIT: One more thing I would like to mention is that I think right now it is very important to make this a ‘known issue’. This way people get the idea that something will be done about it and we do not have to hope for a future patch – it just pops to my mind that maybe in this way actually we get to live the initial excitement of development all over again.

One Candle Can Light a Thousand

(edited by Pet.2598)