Showing Posts For Phailz.8374:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phailz.8374


Need help. Been trying to get assistance with this for 3 days now, not even heard a whisper about my my problem. Three days ago I left my house to go watch the Hobbit when I returned my lvl 32 necro was no longer on my account I want to play but it is pointless to play if my account is going to get rolled back, more importantly i want my necro back.

Customer —- via CSS Web 12/15/2012 08:27 PM
I went to watch a movie and when i came back my lvl 32 necro named —-———- was no longer on my account how could this happen?

Response Alexis via Email 12/16/2012 06:32 AM
Hello —-.

Thank you for contacting us.

I am escalating your ticket to our Restorations Team for further assistance. Once your ticket has been reviewed, someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

The Guild Wars 2 Support Team

Customer —-—— via CSS Web 12/16/2012 11:01 AM
I’m curious about an update to my ticket, not heard much on the situation.

Customer———- via CSS Web 12/17/2012 11:18 AM
I have still not heard anything about my missing character, i have done research on the subject and found that the account would be rolled back, im curious if this will happen bc currently i am not playing for fear of losing progress.

Customer —-——- via CSS Web 12/17/2012 06:02 PM
Why is it taking so long for a response?


(edited by Phailz.8374)

Missing Character!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phailz.8374


so do they usually roll the entire account back? i just want to know if playing would be a waste of time.

Missing Character!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phailz.8374


2 days ago i left the house for 4 hours or so and when I returned my lvl 32 necro was no longer on my account. I’m not sure how this is possible since there was no one at my house and no log in attempts from unauthorized ip’s. I submitted a ticket on 12/15 but other than being told it was being escilated to the Restorations Team, but so far I have not heard anything. How long should I have to wait? I dont want to play currently because of fear of account roll back.