Showing Posts For PhantomKnight.7602:

AOE Auto Attack

in Engineer

Posted by: PhantomKnight.7602


Constantly pressing is going to hurt both my fingers and Keyboard/mouse. Apart from that I can pitch a different skill while the Auto Attack is still focused on its own Area.

AOE Auto Attack

in Engineer

Posted by: PhantomKnight.7602


Engineer is probably the class with the most spam able AOEs that can be done when the character is on the move.

While making the AOEs target a character makes it loose strategical fighting like stealthed Targets or Strategic placing of fields, constantly clicking to cast is also a Pain.

I wonder if could be made that when an AOE skill is made Auto attack it would remember the first location it is targeted and keep spamming the AOE skill unless the character swaps out of the skill set or moves away from range of AOE or the Target Area is reset by another explicit invocation of the skill or cancelled by escape?

This could also be extended to other classes as well, Only trouble where this can not be used is in places where u need to cast an AOE but it can not be done on the fly like for example skills which root you to a location.

This would at least help save a few clicks. Perhaps some other suggestions to come up with ideas?

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: PhantomKnight.7602


Before making changes I believe one must ask why people prefer Berserker gears?

The most beautiful thing that guild wars bought in is that there is no explicit tanks in this game or rather no one should be a Meat bag or tank and use Dodge effectively to avoid lethal attacks.

With that being said, people want to make money as fast as possible meaning they want to Damage things as fast as possible and tag as many mobs as possible.

The only status that effectively maximizes this Berserker!
1) Condition damage takes time to do the damage
2) Status such as Vitality and toughness become a bit obsolete if you know how well to dodge and keep your self mobile. And to certain extent healing as well falls under this category

Perhaps if we can shift the focus from Mass killing and how much damage is caused, to the mechanics of play things then it would benefit more and give room for diversity.

For example, in dungeons, rather rewarding the player because his party killed the final boss, rewarding the group for each challenge they have over come in the appropriate manner cumulative at the end final boss would encourage more healthy game play and could partially stop people from skipping or abusing the system.