Showing Posts For Pharaoh Magnetic.1843:
I spent two hours in my BL and came across zero enemies only npcs and traps. No map chat at all other than someone asking whether s/he is the only one in the BL.
I used to roam but most camps are our own anyway even when we are losing to the other two servers.
It takes ages to walk to the lower parts of the BL map. Since I am the only one around it would take eons to take a tower and all for what?
No prospect for decent drops, no one to party with, no enemies to fight, and strategy is unimportant.
I am a BL kind of WvW’er. BUT shockingly I had to go to the Eternal Battleground to see a little action. This is a major low for me. A mechanical twenty minutes at Tequatl now brings me ten times as much loot as one day in WvW. It is sad state of affairs to say that doing Tequatl is now more fun that doing WvW.
One person above called the new maps soulless — an excellent way to describe it.
Anet please also think of the roamers and not just whoever it is the new maps were designed for.
(I like the synthesizers. Keep those please.)