There’s a lot of feedback to read, so please don’t mind if I ask this: Do you have specific areas of concern? Also, did you post in the major feedback thread? I don’t mind asking about this, if I’m able to do so. But a general “it’s broken” isn’t as good as solid evidence.
I am not Oeps, but the general consensus on the mesmer side was that the “bunker” build was the only viable way to play pre patch. That was rightfully toned down, but mesmers were essentially given nothing in return. With the release of HoT the previously viable builds have fallen far behind the Elite Specialisations and what remains of the Chronomancer post-26th simply can’t keep up.
There is no real “specific area” of concern, it’s just that each individual change adds up to a horrifying total, essentially like you’re trying to kill the disease, the patient and the next of kin all in one go: You halve the effectiveness of Alacrity (which one must reasonably assume all Chronomancer cooldowns were balanced around, ignoring the group buff aspect), you remove Quickness affecting stomps/rezzing, you effectively remove Well of Precognition, you buff classes/builds which were previously known for hard-countering mesmers and you fail to provide any reasonable compensation to more offense-oriented mesmer builds which happened to rely on any of these aspects all at the same time!
Not even debating the validity of any of these changes individually it is clear most of them were focused on eliminating the chrono-bunker, so one has to question why they were not implemented one after another and only after the previous change had clearly failed to achieve its intended goal.
Then there is also the emotional aspect of being told there were many more changes than those outlined in the “preview”, then getting nothing any of the experienced players would consider a substantial improvement (this one explicitly is about emotions and personal opinions and actual hard data might state the opposite, but the players don’t have access to those)
For a more on-topic example relevant to WvW, look at the changes made to Confusion application via Glamours: this achieved much the same effect as CoR (killing huge numbers of players at long range with little to no warning), but it a) could still be counteracted to some extent, b) cost the mesmer almost their entire build to pull off and c) was more or less REMOVED FROM THE GAME as soon as it was “noted to be problematic”. Again mesmers were given nothing to play a similar role (albeit weaker) in WvW even until now. Revenants meanwhile can still use their ONE skill much like before, and less than a week after the patch some aspects of the change are being looked into as “unintended”. How long did it take for Temporal Curtain to get looked at again?