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Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pikachu.2569


I might give this a try.

I’m pretty sure it’s CPU related with some of these FPS issues.

I have a Q9300 OC’ed to 3ghz and it runs around 30fps on 1680×1050.

Video card is a GTX 680 4GB.

What’s really funny is that on surround mode with 3 identical monitors, I get the SAME 30fps with everything on high. If I want 60fps, I guess a CPU upgrade would need to be in order.

Wow, here’s something unexpected. After reading a few posts up about removing the latest .net 4 security updates improving performance, I decided to try something similar. In my case, because I use almost no programs that require it, I uninstalled .net using the methods I linked above, and then used the uninstaller program also linked.

My stuttering when turning around, gone. My frame rates in Lions Arch, up by 10-15 fps. My fps in WvW, with everything maxed, now more close to 50 in heavy combat as opposed to the low 30’s. Subjectively, the game feels a LOT smoother.

I won’t claim this will fix you problems, I can only claim that doing it did improve my personal performance on a i5 3570k at 4.5 with a GTX 670 at 1250/3700.

One other thing that’s still too early to tell if it sticks: I’ve had trouble keeping my 670 at max clocks in WvW combat. More specifically, because the game is so CPU dependent, the card clocks down to slower speeds at times (as the 6xx series is supposed too). The problem I’ve had is that after doing this is often gets stuck and doesn’t clock back up. When playing just now, I noticed the card clocking down when no required…and clocking back up in heavy combat scenes as it is supposed to do, without getting stuck. This one I’m still uncertain about, I’ll need more WvW time to determine if it’s fixed. But, the removing .net 4 did improve my performance, in a very measurable way.

If you would like to remove .net, please first make sure you have no critical programs you use that require it, or at least be cognizant of what will stop working when it’s gone. Usually it’s helper programs like the Razer synapse app in my case.

If you’re comfortable removing it, follow these steps:

If removing it gives you no improvement, or you need .net back, just re-install it from here:

Some people have also installed the original package and NOT the updates, which seem to be the culprit, you can try that as well.

I wont promise you a miracle, as we’ve seen, different things seems to work for different people, this just worked well for me.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pikachu.2569


I’m having low FPS as well. I thought it was sufficient to run it at high settings. Could it be my older processor?

Q9300 OC’ed to 3ghz
EP35-DSR3 Motherboard
NVidia GTX 680 4GB
1680×1050 Resolution

I left everything on high and I’m getting abnormally low FPS. 20-30FPS on average.
I upgraded from an AMD HD 6870 thinking it was not enough to play this game on high settings. I’m just playing this single player and not WvW.

Is it the processor causing this? I was planning on upgrading but wasn’t going to until probably December. Will a i7-3930K fix this or am I just gonna be wasting money here?

BTW, while in game, processor doesn’t show going above 70%.

Heaven Benchmark shows 49.6 avg fps and scores it around 1248 everything on.