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Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pikkumyy.7529


1. Character name?
Cahira Truemay

2. Race, lvl, server and Profession?
Human, 72, Gunnar’s Hold, Guardian

3. Quest which caused the skipping?
The Battle for Fort Trinity: Playing it in a group with a player that had Asura Detonation Team story; my own story was Vigil, with Apatia the Norn having been left behind. After the Battle, we both moved on to finding the Widow; my step for finding Apatia was overwritten, and it is still the case 1 quest down the line. The game now completely ignores my earlier choice.

4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well?
No – his quest works as intended.

5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline?
See above – can’t save Apatia, instead it’s switched from Vigil storyline to Whispers storyline. Last own personal story was Intercepting the Orb before the derail.

6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
Derailed into A Sad Duty line of events.

7. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.
No choices were offered, derailing occured on its own.

8. Any other notes?
Would want to have the storyline reset into proper mode so Apatia can be saved/resolved, if possible, omitting redoing of the Battle for Ford Trinity.

Please let me know how long the wait on fixing such things is, won’t be doing the story until it’s resolved.