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A file was corrupted in the archive....MainCli.cpp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PlayerofGames.6297


I am receiving this crash randomly but consistently between login and hours of normal play, averaging around every 10-20 minutes. Nothing specific seems to trigger this crash. It prevents access to WvW and Story content because of the significant repeat/travel time after every crash.

Windows 8 64 bit
EVGA GTX 570 HD on driver version 306.02
8G DDR3 tested at 1600 and 1866 mhz
Intel i7-2600k @ 3.4Ghz

I have tried:
Disabling/creating exceptions in antivirus
memtest86+ (no errors returned in two full scans)
changing RAM physical configuration (swapping sticks and changing slots) and timing (downclocked to 1600)
Relocating install to a standard HDD (my games and OS are on a SSD)
Performing all standard PC cleanup/antivirus/driver checks
Tips from the forums – running on administrator, enabling multisampling in Nvida Control Panel, running fullscreen windowed, turning water/cloth animation to Low, turning all graphics settings to low

None of these made any difference other than perhaps extending the time before the crashing started to happen again. And yet while my brand new and as far as I can tell completely operational gaming machine crashes constantly my crappy 5-6 year old spare machine runs completely crash free, if only on the lowest graphical settings.

Please Anet, get on this issue asap, there are lots of other people on the forums I’m seeing with the same issue as me, and no response other than “this is probably something to do with your ram/computer, check your stuff” Well, I’ve checked my stuff. If the fault lies with my computer it has to be a major compatibility issue, not something wrong with my machine because I’ve done just about the most thorough diagnostic on this thing I’ve ever done in my IT career. It’s absolutely killing my ability to play this otherwise phenomenal game.

Find attached my dxdiag and the crash log from an afternoon of gameplay (the old one got deleted in one of my cleanup attempts). I have all the corrupt.dat files for these crashes too but can’t attach them here, please let me know if they are needed. I’m also submitting this as a support ticket, just leaving this here for people to respond to if any solutions are forthcoming.

*--> Crash <--* MainCli.cpp(510)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PlayerofGames.6297


Getting to be at wit’s end due to this crashing issue. I’ve been playing on a backup computer with a crappy video card because my main machine will not run GW2 for more than 20-30 minutes, sometimes far less, without a crash due to this “corruption” error. I’m almost positive at this point that it’s not my machine; I’ve run memtest, swapped ram sticks around, updated drivers, gone back to old drivers, reinstalled the game, done a full routine PC cleanup/check, disabled antivirus, basically every option that one normally runs through when having major issues in a game. Nothing has made a difference. I’m running a quad core, 8 gigs of ram, and a GTX570; it runs every other game I’ve played smoothly and easily at max settings.

If this is an issue with my machine, it is not one that is resolvable without swapping out some major system components, which is frankly silly.

Please tell me all these reports we are sending back to Anet are going through and that something is being done about them, because as it stands right now I can’t do story missions or WvW because of the constant crashing, and it makes world exploration incredibly frustrating. It’s basically a major roadblock standing in the way of enjoying this otherwise incredible game.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PlayerofGames.6297


Just keeping this bumped; I’m having exactly the same issue, also with a GTX570 oddly enough. In addition to reinstalling the game from scratch (I was running the same client since BWE1) I’ve also tried changing my RAM timings, running a memtest, relocating the game to a separate SSD, and mashing my face on the keyboard. The last diagnostic technique was mostly for therapy reasons.

My error messages have been exactly the same as most of the posted prior, with an instant crash log submission box popup followed by game closure at completely random times during gameplay. Sometimes it will be hours, sometimes minutes, it’s incredibly frustrating. This cannot be an issue on our end, I’m not replacing a couple perfectly good sticks of RAM that work perfectly in every other game. I really hope we get a fix soon, it’s really making gameplay frustrating as I move into later game content with longer dungeons, longer story instances, and more risky world exploration.